As Hungary is shaking itself after another lot of October events (as the 1956 uprising was known euphemistically for many years in the country) and promising to have a budget that will “contain measures required by the European Union”, it might be worth taking another look at the last few weeks for, although this was not another 1956 (and Gyurcsány may be a less than totally honest individual and politician but he is no Mátyás Rákosy) the events have shaken Eastern Europe and the EU more than somewhat.

It would seem that FIDESZ found itself at loss when trouble broke out on October 23. They had demanded all kinds of things: a referendum on the reforms, the Prime Minister’s resignation and, indirectly, an admission that the direct heirs of the Communist Party had no right to celebrate the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

Tens of thousands demonstrated in Budapest and some other cities and the demonstrations, inevitably, attracted a very large number of people whose own politics is somewhat unsavoury. Protests against “globalization” or reforms can, in the somewhat overheated atmosphere of East European politics and emotionalism, so easily turn into unpleasant forms of nationalism.

One was the obvious connection with the Hungarian Nazi party of the early forties, the Arrow Cross (Nyilas) Party, which took power in 1944 after Horthy was overthrown and introduced a ferocious Holocaust. Again, one has to be fair: the Arrow Cross had their own symbol added to the flag and that has not made an appearance (in fact, it is illegal in Hungary).
There is, however, another, more convoluted problem. The Árpád flag, a perfectly legitimate mediaeval flag, symbolizes an older, less liberal form of nationalism. It has, more or less, been accepted by FIDESZ and its supporters who speak of the Socialist government as being “illegitimate”. It is, of course, completely legitimate, as is the fact that FIDESZ has in the last local elections taken control of almost all counties and most cities. The question is can modern, democratic politics develop in a country in which the official opposition encourages ideas about dumping the Hungarian constitution and reverting to some form of mediaeval governance, however daft these ideas might seem?

The police, masked and with numbers hidden, attacked the demonstrators with tear gas, iron sticks, which are illegal in Hungarian law and rubber bullets fired at head level. The various photographs demonstrate this and show some of the results of this “routine operation”. Let us not forget that this was going on a few days ago in another EU Member State. The Commission has, somewhat half-heartedly demanded an explanation but no particular sanctions are proposed on the Hungarian government until they sort the mess out (unlike the rather odd sanctions on the Austrian government when the populace had dared to vote for a fairly unpleasant right-wing party, largely to punish the two ineffective main ones).
Well, I feel vindicated. I have always predicted that taking the East European countries and, in particular, Hungary will cause all sorts of problems for the European Union. Of course, once Romania comes in, the problems will increase exponentially. After all, those who want to revise the Treaty of Trianon, undoubtedly have something to say about the Transylvanian question.