29 March 2012


So what Larry?
The grovellers
I keep wondering
Death by boredom
A muddled book
A walk in the park
This does not surprise me.
Something fishy
Up yours, from Bradford!
Why is this news?
A three pillar war - part I
Why is this news?
One for your shit list (Guest post)
A touch of irony
Eating my words?
A new era of intolerance?
The greatest enemy
Stupid or disinegenuous?
Armageddon deferred
Understanding our history
Please adjust your spellcheckers
Nothing changes
Next crisis please
Back to basics
Launch day?
Low flying
The source of our problems
Warrior down
Words are hardly needed
A defence against referendums
Dutch eurodoom
The cliff-edge recedes?
The end of Merkel's Europe?
What is the purpose?
A cliché-rich environment
All hail Helmer the heretic!
Ignorance or deception?
The wages of wind
Lest we forget
For what it's worth
The slow road to madness
Has the greenie spell broken?
WWF in embezzlement scandal
Springtime in Brussels
Game changer
The perception of great events
Potential legal obstacles
Tax collection
Twisting and turning
Green jobs
Dialogue of the deaf
You can't fool all of the people
The End-a Kenny?
Stop thief!
Crisis fatigue
Unsustainable combustion
No surprise then
Reynolds News
Winning the battles – losing the war
Bad news
Poor little Spain
Thrown to the wolves
Wither transparency?
Gleick House
This is wrong
Another clue
Political sophistication
Liberal nationalism
Moonbat strikes back
I spoke too soon
The disease of incompetence
More error than trial
Being kind to Moonbat
A wee rammy
The killer of nations
Tories for sale
After the fall
Les grandes lignes
Fakegate breaks cover
And for the anally retentive
Silence is not golden
What have we missed?
Not even a rounding error
If we have to give aid
A very small tragedy
'Twas thus ordained
The dance must go on
The books, the books!
A confused columnist
I just simply hope
The thin green line
Drawn to the same conclusion
Eat and destroy
Tip of an iceberg?
Chasing the ball
The dance goes on
Is it any wonder people are confused?
A three-pillar war – part I
Playing the German card
Hail the MSM!
The Camekozy is born
The full Monti?
A reality check?
The fat lady clears her throat
Banned substances
Buying time
""India is as bad as Russia""
Upping the ante
A world-wide disease
An ever decreasing circle of relevance
Not self-promotion
Tension in the ranks
No turning back
As for Heffer
The euro-slayer
Prolonging the agony
Other agendas at work
Merkel, the great Eurosceptic
The Greek vote
A dramatic lull
As I recall
The sins of Harrabin
The child snatching dilemma
Corporate speak
Referism works
Dynamite on the Danube
Passing the buck
It's euro time
The fantasy of wind
Epic fail!
A byword for shoddy journalism
A man of the people?
When is a deal not a deal?
""Europe is domestic policy""
We are not surprised … again
I ain't happy
Glaciergate no more
Never tell the whole story
Lessons unlearned
Another ""cast iron"" bites the dust
A question of accountability
The terrible truth
Man overboard?
Was this a factor?
Worse than I thought
And your conclusion is?
Another one down
Political suicide
It's quacking cold
The realms of stupidity
Coal takes the load
Not what it seems
EU ""flagship"" near collapse
The first of the few
Unacceptable practice
Playing by the rules
We don't want your aid
Piling on the pressure
Every picture tells a story
History repeats
Dellers splats the warmists
They never give up
Flying the flag
Take your pick
Afghanistan: what to make of it all?
Joy upon joy
Watermelons kill
A stampede of elephants
We knew that already
Latest on the cold front
The truth will out II
The facts of (political) life
The truth will out
The forum
Playing it as a farce
Nothing more to add
Superbly put
The Monnet play
We need to win
The fog of Europe
The collapse of politics
The yellow in peril
All rather downbeat
Ve haff vays
Hidden Europe
Corruption and more
The future of the euro
Who cares?
Tractor production at record level
The great turnabout
You read it here first
Living in a mad world
A random observation
A shattered narrative
The Lord chuckled
We are so lucky
Kermits get the cream
It gets more bizarre
Global warming is bad?
Misleading the House
Shaping up
Après moi la révolte?
We know he's not that stupid
The future
Reality bites back
False alarms
The Boy retreats
I couldn't resist this
Something fishy
This does not surpise me
A walk in the park
Death by boredom
A muddled book
I keep wondering
So what Larry?
I missed this
The grovellers
A sense of irritation
The fluffy budget show
Hypocrisy unlimited
The big yawn
Insult to injury
Tories ""enthusiastically supported"" wartime Euro-integration
Investing in your future
Another reminder
Masters of incompetence
A gallant but futile effort
No one is in charge
Bring them to book
Filtering through
The making of a myth
What happened?
On the ball
Fiddling around
David and his amazing technicolour veto
I couldn't resist it
The black hole in Obama's speech
The latest ""green"" fiasco
Ditching his principles
He says, she says
A point of principle
Game over
No more law
No more than a rounding error
Round and round in circles
Going up
Madness begins at home
Number four!
What they would prefer us not to know
They cannot have it both ways
Necessity being
Re-writing history
Robbing us blind
Which comes first?
The beat goes on
Getting it so wrong
A brain disconnect
Not enough
A permanent loss?
That referendum
A global muddle
Going home from Nome
Where lies Greece?
A culture of denial
And then there were 28?
Wake up judge!
The new Heath?
A man for all soundbites
British interests
Booker on Concordia
Home grown failures
A picture with words
A sombre anniversary
The last moments
Blurring the chain of responsibility
An independent review
Not so much taking it
A failure of reorganisation
The European project
A bitter taste
Just a coincidence?
Empty vessels
Beyond surreal
Misleading the House
Who's this ""we"" Cameron?
On the march?
A rather silly piece
We did warn you
A dereliction of duty
Heavy snow kills
Declaring an interest
Diagnosing the problem
That precipice again
The answer lies in the soil
Media bias
A wish overturned
Could … if, but probably won't
The elephant in the clinic
The elephant in the tunnel
Lucky to get away with it
Telling left from right
Kermits' Kurrency Krunch
My one's bigger than your one
Another day, another precipice
Don't you feel proud?
There's no place like Nome
Call me (not)
So sad
Pragmatic politics?
A pathetic inadequacy
A failure of regulation
A provisional victory?
Doing it differently
This snow is not happening
The perils of referendums
A mindset conspiracy
And they think the EU is mad?
""Shrinking ice"" stops tanker
Not a happy bunny
Living history
Macho morons
No monetary union without political union
Well, there's a surprise
This is embarrassing
Sarkozy on the rack
A blast from the past
The narrative develops
That draft treaty
Fantasy politics
Cooking the books
The theatre continues
Read the blog
Marking their cards
Confusing the issues
Mother nature on our side
Who needs billionaires?
The eurozone isn't working
Not a major surprise
Government delays kill over 500 accident victims
Nothing can go wrong
Agendas come first
No respite
""Pragmatic"" eurosceptics
An essay in incompetence
A mutual suicide pact?
A rural revolution?
Do we actually care?
Democracy has no champions
Feel the narrative
The one to watch
Sums it up
Carbon democracy
Victims' wrongs
How much more evidence?
It hasn't gone away
Sacrifices are necessary
A political response to a political project
Happy New Year
The invisible revolution
Hannan loses it
Find your inner ape
Spot the difference
The great and the good?
What if
Slow on the uptake
Why we must leave - 5
Water down the drain
A perfect storm
Standing up for Britain?
Slaves to the media
Home for the stupid
Why we must leave - 4
Catching up?
Burn the boxes
One-dimensional thinking
A pre-New Year resolution
This England?
Babies at work
The ""bounce"" fades
Christmas greetings from Bradford
Christmas shenanigans
Why we must leave - 3
A retreat into dogma
Semi-hidden Europe
Fantasy business
""Trappists monks"" do the Hallelujah Chorus
Words have meanings
Have yourself a very merry Christmas
Why we must leave - 2
Modern history
Fantasy politics
Why we must leave - 1
A Bill goes to the Commons
A War of Choice
No disaster before Christmas
You can see why
Soap opera time
Virgin hypocrisy
That fantasy veto
A little more optimistic
Don't ask an economist for history lessons
The propaganda continues
Vote for apathy?
A policy vacuum
Making a meal of a meal
Jong-il is dead
Randall at large
Running it to the wire
To the shame of us all
A lack of rigour
Lite blogging
We should have expected this
Now it's official
Wrong questions
A force for evil
Gone missing
A rum do
Tribal loyalty
Not all it seems
Not even close
These we kill
Reality begins to intrude
A media contrast
A rare event
The looting continues
Courage is not enough
The story so far
A statement from the Great Leader
A phantom veto?
The agenda all along?
Electoral deception
Telling porkies
From the horse's behind
The real enemy
Now you see it, now you don't
A waste of space
When fantasy becomes reality
Armageddon deferred
Authors of our own grief
Sack Black
A good start
Been there before
It must be true
An odiferous rat
An uncertain situation
Decline and fall
Walter Mitty territory
A huge coup de théâtre
A few points
Read my lips
Endless horror?
The soap opera
Keeping warm
A triple betrayal
A focus on news
Planting the flag
Bring on the grown-ups
Spitting in the soup
That letter
Settling down?
The arrogance of the Anglo-centric élites
Which is the master race?
No one listens
Just leave
Not a referendum - a veto
Does he read his own clog?
The Grand Old Duke of York
Spot the difference
A history of failure
A-level fail
They are getting there
For the record
The tales of tosh
Civil disobedience
A lack of political momentum
A tale of two fantasies
The Cameron paradox
Taking candy from a baby
The arrogance of office
Only the little people pay taxes
A disgrace
Referism at work
The other credibility chasm
The credibility chasm
Buying inflation?
Another milestone
Quick off the mark
Danger, part-timer at work
Never mind the evidence
Synchronised departures
Confused signals
Tory Fail!
Please let it fail
Referendum times
Campbell at Leveson
Danger, experts at large
The Caesar option
A better way
Fantasy land
Corruption rules
Even our folly has its limits
From the unacceptable to the intolerable
Disaster in plain sight
Painful readjustments
Cry me a bucket
The reign of the expert
Not a problem here
Can we kill them now?
Christmas comes early
What's going on here?
Direct Democracy
The dance of the trolls
Fuel for thought
Who plods the plods?
Speaks for itself
A little local difficulty
Mr Plod scores again
Why do we put up with this?
A confusion of conspiracies
Another green catastrophe
Bobbies get bonuses
More of the same (sort of)
The faux rebellion
Barking mad
Is this a disgrace?
And the betting is?
More corporate customer care
The fish rots from the head
The game's afoot
Tar baby
Handmaidens to the government
Gated minds
We must lose ours
Rescue delayed
A rubbish piece
Booker flames the Met
A cracked record
One more on its way?
Getting there
One down
Another landmark
Open thread
It goes on
The Okhotsk crisis deepens
Falling off the map
The limitations of language
Another local event
And then there were (still) five
Insult to injury
How so very convenient
The cavalry rides to the rescue?
I will not be a member of such a mongrel party.
Re-writing history
Kill the cows
Not real scientists
Nice one
A distinct nip in the air
And they don't mess about
Your money, their waste
It's back!
Crises in the East
Bastardi and Corbyn
And so it came to pass
Troll fodder
It gets worse
A vacuum of power
Serious global warming
An assertion
This stinks
Heatballs fail
More global warming
Free degrees?
David Cameron ""satisfied""
Parliamentary outreach
Not waving but scrounging
All deals are off
Why are they asking him?
Vintage Dellers
No monopoly of violence
Reckless disclosure
Are they incompetent?
No way back
A perfect storm
A tale of two I-lands
A winter of discontent
The costs multiply
Different planets
Some would like to think
Dirty deeds
Out of their tiny minds
Follow the money
A tidal wave of stupidity
Your average Lib-Dim
Get out of the way
It's the politics stoopid
The Climate Reich
A benefit of the EU?
It's not that he's stupid
Oh, p-leeze!
Fianna Fails
Now they decide
Prattling while the plebs freeze
The march of the incompetents
Public stupidity
Were they misled by the Met Office?
What energy shortage?
Happy New Year
Bears poo in woods
More global warming
Open thread
Extending the paywall
A perfect metaphor
Of hell and handcarts
Lost in space
Completely mad
What is going on?
China bubble
Cravenly conformist?
Threat inflation
I missed this one
It's cold out there
A tale of two Chindamos
Parish news (not)
Entirely in character
A real opposition
Ourselves alone
Taking us for fools - again
It's just weather
Portugal next
Talking the usual garbage
Toasted Cowen
The Lean machine
The hottest year
Join the crusade
A day of reckoning?
Two little words
What do you say?
Now can we shoot them?
Take to the streets
The stoods are revolting
Name calling
Severe climate warning
Burn, baby, burn!
This is not good
Only doing her job
Hold tight!
The beginnings of fear
Gone missing
It's not what you think
It's a local event
Global frigging warming
Another win for prohibition
And then we kill them
Barking bloody mad
Hague hopes
Tories is Euroslime
What have I missed?
Just like the rest
More than a footnote
Winter Weather Awareness Week
Put them out to grass
A modern miracle
A stampede of groundhogs
Crisis on hold
Why not?
Totally at odds with reality
Cranmer is right
The league of thick
A lack of proportion
A crisis a day
Collopse is nigh!
Boxing day link
What is to be done?
Forcibly extracting the micturition
The blame game
Then and now
The question that is not asked
The hijack of the Met
Spot the difference
The Wright stuff
Stuffed warmists
""The growing toxicity of their attitude""
Too late
Sick bag time
The rubbish weapon
No puzzle!
Not even close
Those enless ""cuts""
Hot air
Our partners in government
Getting there ... slowly
Lightweight fools
We have been there so many times
The end of popular science
Nothing is true
Unfair to satirists
Climategate a year on
The answer is ""yes""
Running to the wire
Go figure - get angry
Hypocrites of the world unite
Backlash to the backlash
Smoked mirrors
From our forum
Let them dig peat
Kermit Airlines
Behind the curve
That £1,500
The biggest enemy of Europe
Restoring the link
Join the club
Caught out again
It's all Hitler's fault
Local politics
Joy in Heaven
It's the morning after
Danse macabre
Dem cuts
Surely they can't all be wrong
For the avoidance of doubt
Slime warning
Not long in coming
Well, what a surprise
An evening with defence
On my way
Heath in our time
Re-establish the connection
The ultimate solution?
Sixes and sevens
Historical tides
The revolting revolt
Kill off the wrinklies
It is a ...?
Is the A-380 safe?
Blowing cold and hot
Spectator debate
Bonfire or damp squib?
Pachy stays
Political theatre
What will the warmists do?
An MSM riposte to Marr
The price of knowledge
Little news
Look in the archives Mr Johnston
Christmas comes early
A certain lack of proportion
It's still there
Savagely vindicated ... again
Deeply, darkly depressing
Snow business
And the latest parody is
Dellers calls out Moonbat
The inspiration
O2 - false alarm
The silence of the Beeb
Has O2 withdrawn?
Say No to O2
Splattergate - O2
Splattergate - parody wars
Continuing a trend
Splattergate: Franny 1- Muslim parody 3 plus one
Vintage Dellers!
Splattergate – O2 ""I hope things gets sort out soon""
Splattergate: Eat your heart out Franny
Splattergate: O2 customer relations
Stacking up for cold
Splattergate – rare pics
Splattergate: a million up
Splattergate: ""too urgent not to use it""
Splattergate: Morano on Fox
Splattergate: Team stupid
Splattergate - they don't like it up 'em
Splattergate - Epic WIN!
Splattergate: the fear machine
Splattergate – the new Climategate?
Totally stuffed
A message from our sponsor
""Epic squalor""
We knew this
A year ago
It's all a load of Pollocks
""Ireland has been desperately unlucky""
Between scares
I'm not staying up
How to behave
Look what the cat brought in
Cameron hails ""new chapter""
March of the euroslime
Busted flush
A message from the past
The aliens take over
Final solution
Of rebellions and revolutions
When was this written?
It's over?
MPs must act!
Spectacular stupidity
And when my lips move ...
From his own mouth ...
Dunn Conservatism
Not the only one
She ain't wrong
A degree of overstatement
The floor is yours
Another reason for ABC
What is the problem?
Let not man put asunder
Closing down Britain
They can't leave well enough alone
More for our masters
Whatever happened to the internet?
A question of responsibility
Useless parasites
Another power grab
No option
What a horrible thought
""Close to undetectable""
Damned if we do ...
Put your left foot in ...
An era of plenty?
The face of reason
Sly, dishonest gradualism
The world we live in
Amazon drought: the least of their worries
Booker on bird choppers
The biggest mistake yet
Repeat after me
Party political games
Honey! I've shrunk the birdies!
The end is nigh!
Germany warning
Is climate change losing us the war in Afghanistan?
A carbon neutral blog?
The hidden hand
The sinister nexus
You can't buck the narrative
It's started
A multiple of insanity
They are serious
Not over by Christmas
Jobs for the boys (and girls)
When it's cold
Only right and proper
No comment
Nothing is ever what it seems
Pachauri: friends of friends
The Lord Pearson
Dirty dealings
Great minds?
Pachauri: TERI-Europe - the enigma (Part 1)
Pachauri: hidden subsidies
Ice not fire
Pachauri and Big Oil
A conspiracy of interests
All in your imagination
Economic suicide
On the one hand
Fuel poverty
Consistently wrong
Now and then
Then and now
Pachauri: not $300,000 but $800,000 admitted
More lucrative by the day
Pachauri: the Deutsche Bank connection
Keep the politicians out of it
We the people
Stand and deliver
A citizens' revolt?
Devolving power?
Are we being taken for fools?
A bit of technocratic tinkering
Getting there first
Flawed and simplistic
The Elastoplast King
Understating the threat
The crowd is always wrong
Looking after their own
The need for change
The truth, the whole truth …
Some examples
Sinister implications
Poll shock!
Out there in the big bad world ...
Turning on their own
A contrast of intellects
EU Referendum on telly
Vote for Dave?
Empty promises
History repeats
Filling the vacuum
Invisible Europe
It won't magically disappear
If, if, if
EUReferendum on the BBC
Make politics local
Quite right too
There for the taking
European elections
A moral crime against the climate
Filling their boots …
A misallocation of resources
Cephalic attrition
While the blogs do play …
Out of the mouths of MSPs
Filling their boots …
And the news is?
A litany of contradictions
A problem
An ""Enron"" speech
A national humiliation
Tzipi Livni
A wake up call
An elephant in the HBOS
The climate change industry speaks
You can lead a politician to water …
Reality is a bitter pill to take
Saving the planet?
The green scam
Negativity revisited
Spot the difference
Please, don't let this be true
Some surprises yet?
Do the maths!
The onset of madness
Come back global warming
The blindness of the political classes
All a little unpredictable
Can it last?
Sold out!
Terrorise the children
Splattergate: a word from our sponsors
And another one
The final solution
Fred Pearce saves the world
Before and after
Splattergate - the Muslim version
Splattergate extra
On paying monkeys
Eco-jihad - the movie
The noose tightens
On being prepared
Rewriting history
You too can have one
Belgian minesweeping
I really do hope
A cold wind doth blow
Oh dear
I should not do this
Thrice strange
Back to Eu-rope
And now for something completely different
You're gonna be screwed
Shared values and enduring ties
Day 39 - Battle of Britain
Another milestone?
Looks up
Day 38 - Battle of Britain
Death by indifference
Day 37 - Battle of Britain
The future of Iran
Defence cuts sorted
Not in the least surprised
Do it!
Day 35 - Battle of Britain
So what's new?
What do you expect
The Franco-German motor
Back in sync
Battle of Britain
He's right
Ye're all going to dieeee
The ultimate surrender?
War over ... Japan surrenders
Stupidity is catching
She's noticed
Silly season
Day 30 - Battle of Britain
A perverse set of priorities
Virtual democracy
Day 29 - Battle of Britain
Building the narrative
That oil spill
A breach in the dam
Day 27 - Battle of Britain
The loathsome duplicity
Day 26 - Battle of Britain
Go thou and micturate
Water on a stone
Day 25 - Battle of Britain
The £100,000 cleaning bill
An experiment
Is God a warmist?
Five years on
Social workers
Day 24 - Battle of Britain
Twenty years ago
The dreadful Huhne
That's The Boy stuffed
Day 23 - Battle of Britain
Not very funny
Greeks wearing mitts
Climate change?
Day 22 - Battle of Britain
Not a happy proposition
Day 21 - Battle of Britain
The latest WWF campaign
The dirty stuff
Greeks baring rifts
Day 20 - Battle of Britain
Right of reply
A bloody disgrace
Bit more than a headache
In the interests of justice
Scroll down slowly
And your point is?
Does anyone actually care?
Day 19 - Battle of Britain
Bills up by a third
Day 18 - Battle of Britain
Look at the timeline
Climategate, Amazongate, Bob Ward and the Murdoch empire
It goes on
Wider not deeper
Not harder - impossible
Day 17 - Battle of Britain
Conspiracy in plain sight
Stolen files?
In Europe and ruled by Europe
Day 16 - Battle of Britain
The march of progress
Shouting out loud
Northing cn goe wring
Day 15 - Battle of Britain
Taken for fools
Day 14 - Battle of Britain
Stuffed, stuffed, stuffed
Day 13 - Battle of Britain
Missing in action
No news is the news
Parish notes
The calamity cretins
Day 12 - Battle of Britain
Take your pick
Silly mood
I come not to praise Schneider
Delusion or deception?
It don't mean nuffink
Low grade stuff
Parish notes
Day 11 – Battle of Britain
Hungary's revolt
Wholesale micturition
Day 10 - Battle of Britain
Still glaciers
Careers for the stupid
Worse than stupid
A different set of pigs
Day 9 – Battle of Britain
Hungarian rhapsody (not)
A disappointment
Parliament must fix it
Day 8 – Battle of Britain
Cannon fodder
Why don't they just admit it?
A goad of lollocks
Not irony
Day 7 – Battle of Britain
As Delingpole sees it
Amazongate: Round two
And by the way
Thick end of the wedge
Day 6 – Battle of Britain
Too close to call
Queenie – meet Charlie
A rat is smelt
The scam spreads
It's not them, it's us
The heart rejoices
Snatch to be replaced
The House of Pachauri
Too many examples
Sodden and limp
It's dead
Is this man an imposter?
Another great victory
I think I've been saying this
Stuff them
Hospitals on hills
No getting away from it
Of bald men and combs
And so it starts
Read this and weep
Meaningless data
Yes, but!
In good hands?
A troubled soul
When the North wind doth blow
Day 5 – Battle of Britain
Hardly worth commenting
Fighting and losing
French back burka ban
Day 4 – Battle of Britain
Read this
Chinese downgrade West's credit
Beyond demonstrable failure
We tend not to make statements
The dregs of the dregs
Day 3 – Battle of Britain
The assumption of stupidity
An affront to safety?
Excessive welfare regulations?
Amazongate: why it matters
Dumbing down
Day 2 - Battle of Britain
Why it matters today
A half-hearted media
The source of Amazongate
She'll be coming down the mountain when she comes ...
It started today
Even stupid people deserve better
Thanks for the traffic
Here we go again
The noose tightens
A failure to communicate
Afghan turning point
I'm out of work and on the dole ...
Armageddon imagined
We're shocked, shocked!
Not today
Death threats galore
In sorry hands
Intellectual honesty
The big, fundamental questions
See no evil
Your foreign service
Didn't we do well!
A change of wind
They missed it
The myth has taken over
A bit of sense
And yet more stupidity
Nothing quite so stupid as a Tory
The art of propaganda
Who governs Britain?
They lied
Down the green plug hole
No more Mr Nice Person
No longer simple solutions
Who he?
Our profound hope
Going nowhere
Not defeatism, realism
Day 61 - Battle of Britain
What more can you say?
The fluffheads have taken over
State of the Union
The Blitz remembered
An apology too far
An interesting little spat
Liar, liar!
Mealy-mouthed Monbiot
A ""game changer""?
Them eggs
Better dead than REDD
The Awakening
Perpetuating the lie
Amazongate: the smoking gun
A comment
And your point is?
Third time unlucky?
Beyond parody
An alibi in flames
The deliberate deceit
Airbus: the flying subsidy machines
Getting a ""living corpse to walk""
Bring on the disposables
The battle of Amazongate
A pretend crisis
Not at all surprised
One can dream
A Euromyth bites the dust
Does he protest too much?
A heart of stone
Just what is wrong with us?
Credo in unum tipping point
It's war!
Economic sabotage - II
A modern-day barbarity
The Guardian
They do not compute
My daughter
Where is the evidence?
The wages of stupid?
Perverse consequences
A symbol of ""Europe""
Muffin the Mule
A Moonbat too far
Scientists are dangerous
A vehicle ""incident""
Oh for the good old days
The zombie returns
To the barricades?
Obama stuffs the military
A whiff of honesty
What are we doing there?
Quote of the week
A quote too far?
Corporate cowardice
We're shocked, shocked!
Another one
Is this how they see us?
Clichés by the coffinload
It's happened
What is going on?
The greatest failure of them all
Go boil your head
No place in government
A jolly good unit
Take up crochet
Bored witless
That fool Dannatt
Economic sabotage
Deutsche Mark über alles
Richards for chief?
Consistent and persistent
Two little boys
The politics of delusion
Who cares?
Bovine stupidity
A high level failure
Not his finest hour
Let's not
The master race?
The second one is ""off""
And now for the Saville Report
Moral and intellectual cowardice
Seriously scary
Germany falling
Our mission is doomed
What will it take?
Weaker is stronger
For every action
A crude characterisation
This dying creed
The real scandal?
North talks
Al Gore lied, James Lee died
Above the line
Wages of stupidity
The obvious question
Declining standards
My Goodness
A Continuation of Policy
Missing the point
Not incapacitated
Continuing the smears
The new colonialists
Stiched up
Lest we forget
Serial spammers
The hypocritical environmentalists
Antarctic cold snap = climate change ... yay!!!!!
Faces of extremism
Journalist ignorance soars
A dishonest response
A public service
The first climate sceptic?
Approach to Helmand ""flawed""
Stuffed by the eurozone
A political own goal
Media plurality
The changing of the narrative
The camera never lies
A bit bloody late
Another one down
Slime shall feed upon slime
Statements of the obvious
Still preoccupied
A ""difficult"" day
A travesty of justice
A partial explanation
The joys of research
L'escroc lives
The story so far
What little we know
You're all gonna die!!!
Those defence cuts again
Day 46 - Battle of Britain
A scam on hold – and another one behind
Lives at risk
Day 45 - Battle of Britain
Roll on the day
It never rains
A non-apology
Day 42 - Battle of Britain
They fool only themselves ... again
One of our hemispheres is missing
Day 41 - Battle of Britain
Compare and contrast
It should be recorded
A serious blow to its credibility
Day 40 - Battle of Britain
The green hypocrite
A certain inconsistency
Keeping up the standards
Here we go again
Treating us as if we were morons
A ""deadly raid""?
Not dead yet
The more we pay, the less we get
All to keep the men in Brussels happy
Yea, right!
A question of attitude
The final straw?
Israeli ""attack""
That amazing ""own goal""
Suicide activists
Not drowning but waving
Those ""peace"" activists
Brain dead
Random shooting
Cameron's War
The same old stench
Ryanair joins in
An ex parrot
David Laws is a thief and a liar
You can't blame the Messenger
Computer modelling in the dock?
Deliberately provocative
Slowly unravelling
You can't fault the logic
In tatters
They just don't get it
Going through the motions
The woolly world of Huhne
He's resigned
Well qualified for government
Double standards
Another clunk ...
So where are they?
Dog should eat dog
Are we children?
The great deluded
A period of silence?
One of our Dorniers is missing
The ""ash"" crisis continued
The story's out
Constitutional ignorance
Greece on the skids
It worked!
March of the morons
The great debate
Clearing the backlog
What a difference a day makes
On the rocks
Breaching the barricades of bureaucracy
A war without weapons
Hook, line and sinker
Chaos rules
All bets are off
Jobs for the (climate) boys
Passing the buck
Another swine flu
The beginnings of a recantation?
You think?
Fears in the night
Being reasonable
A scary silence
It's started ...
Go away and die
A fool and his money
They don't always listen to logic
And for my next trick
A question of defence
Thirteenth Century Fox
The age of rage
Fading away
I don't think we anticipated ...
We really do have a problem
The undead
Dave ""talks tough"" on Europe
Look! No ash!
You didn't see it here
Vanity money
A whole mess of uncertainty and fear
What are they hiding?
Currency change
Cowardly Europe
Asleep on the job
Not our own masters
Booker blazes away
A virtual cloud
Is it a scare?
Crash 'n' burn?
They still don't get it
Look back in Ongar
""Sod the lot""
The great switch-off
The great ... zzzzzzzzz
Iceland's revenge
Quality or quantity?
Oxburgh – not a whitewash
The plague party wins it
That sinking feeling
A slight amendment
All you need is love
Says The Boy
Missing in action
Lying cheating bastards
A surreal election
That manifesto
What about Afghanistan?
It's a plan ... sort of
The white man's burden
A painfully empty charade
Polish president killed
Indifference compounded by derision
An epitaph for Greece?
Go for coal (updated 2)
Not the Foreign Office
The beginning of the end?
Energy riots in Kyrgyzstan
The Refusniks
The great drought (not)
The great charade
A snake oil election
Taking on the greenies
Thirty days of theatre
From the horse's mouth
The euro is in danger
Don't laugh
Ghosts at the feast
Neither use nor ornament
A basic survival plan
Spelling it out
If anyone wants to know ...
Trouble in the wind
To panic, or not to panic ...
Unfinished business
Germany falling
A fuss about nothing
Euroslime at the helm
Joke of the day
A false and perverse interpretation
A growing backlash
Crash and burn?
Wrong, as usual
A culture of dishonesty
Happy days are here again
Not one of them
Winning for Britain?
As forecast
Labour could win?
A train wreck coming
Organised hypocrisy
Tectonic plates
Unreal reality
A ""death spiral"" for warmists
Slow burn?
Miliband's billions
Crushing the bureaucrats?
Personality politics
""Passionate"" about climate change?
The president has spoken
Only a blogger
The politics of politics
Cap 'n' fail
The objective observer?
Accentuate the positive
Montgomerie in Wonderland
Frankly, I'm amazed (not)
Good news for polar bears
Some progress on nukes
The land of perpetual crisis
Global warming
The universal politician
It was never going to be any different
How government corrupts science
Apples and oranges
Perpetual motion
Exactly right
Absolutely tickety-boo*
A choice
Dishonesty multiplied
Huge parallels
""We will not prevail in Afghanistan""
A thoroughly dishonest letter
Like rabbits in headlights
Is this what politics has come to?
No discernible difference
Germany cooling!
That other election
The plans are revealed
And then the riots
Work in progress
Defence on the back burner?
And even worser
And worser
It gets worse
""We have ... to rebuild trust""
'Tis done - the Cleggerons rule
Thick, or what?
A howl of impotent rage
Gloat early, gloat often
ABC wins
He who lasts, laughs ...
Proportional ""Representation""
""A terrible beauty has been born""
Cleggerons vs the Europhons
All Hail the Cleggerons!
A gamble that failed
UKIP effect 2010 - the full list (revised)
Cut off from understanding
The UKIP effect
The only certainty
Reshuffle special
Anyone But Cameron
Only to be expected?
More crap research?
Vote early, vote often
Split down the middle
Three out of three
The beat goes on
A surge of fraud?
The ash returns
Pretty boys
Keeping up the pretence
The doors have it
Obscuring the issues
Our phony war
Bus passes
A fraud a day
Euro off the hook?
Green jobs?
An international epidemic
Environmentalism has been hijacked by the warmists
Green waste
A co-ordinated counter-offensive
The US goes down the European road
A new blog on the block
Slowly deflating
A masterpiece
The long goodbye
Perhaps they really are that ignorant
Times Higher Education
Death by press release
The group-think with no clothes
The unsustainable BBC
It's the energy stoopid!
The death of real politics
Losing the battle?
An addition to the vocabulary
Can he be that stupid?
Bloweth the wind
They've been on a rampage
Prediction is futile
A condition of membership
Distorted priorities
The cold wind doth blow
Ads by Google
Amazongate II - Seeing REDD
Rage ascendant
Somebody has to be wrong
Mistake or mistakes?
What energy crisis?
Increasingly out of touch
Meanie greenies
Bricks in the wall
Big profits in climate hysteria
Better in French
Debating the real issues
The day comes closer
A wry observation
UN climate cronies
The £3 million mistakes
I cannot think
Neck and neck in the marginals
The politics of climate
Another day, another ""gate""?
I always thought
She's back
Daily Politics
How wrong can they get?
In perspective
The dawning of understanding
Still they want more
Climate money
Snowpocalypse Now!
The games they play
The beauties of blogging
In the money
Phil Jones interviewed
And now for Africagate
Money makes the climate [industry] go round
Breaking news
Less of the people
May I shine your shoes sir?
Who owns the science?
Where our money goes
A sad little figure
The killer blow
Broken Trust
And the latest version is?
British Council spends £3.5 million on climate change propaganda
Repeating its mistakes
A well-financed and vicious plot
Carnegie suspended Pachauri grant
The latest exaggeration
Another day, another (10,000) dollar(s)
Gone native
BBC – a hotbed of denial?
Sooooo yesterday
Phil Jones on Channel 4
Worth a snigger or two
Delingpole is suitably caustic
Comments have been disabled
They can't even get that right
An unbiased view?
It is a religion!
The great scam exposed
Lean times for the alarmists
No answers in the soil
Real politics
Big ""Climate"" Brother
The dance of the seven veils
The awakening
Farting cows online
The ice floes of reality
They just don't get it
Five times the cost of the Manhattan Project
Only another million
What sort of country is this?
Bird choppers
Making friends
What is the point?
Falling stars
Climate parasites
A third rate government
The system is broke
A face of evil
A state of fear (not)
Under the radar
Le GIEC est mort
Death wish
Climbing down
The para-governmental organisation
Another crack
The power of prestige
Follow the money
The ""controversial"" Dr R K Pachauri
The invisible India
A triumph of hope?
The ""larger truth""
Amazongate lives
""Profoundly irresponsible""
Indian media support eroding
He doesn't give up
Glaciergate – still a long way from the truth
Do as I say
Amazongate in The Sunday Times
And the ""professionals"" write?
A couple of blogs
Amazongate: the final phase
Keep the camp fires burning
It ain't over
He's toast
The end is nigh
The Great Glacier Show – Part II
This is where our money goes
Bin Laden to chair IPCC?
About right
Denial more dangerous than abortion
The glacier show – a comedy in many parts
They can't stop lying
Les derniers jours de Pachauri?
Monckton's finest hour
Trust is vanishing
And so say all of us
Déjà vu all over again
A conspiracy of scientists
Little blips?
Amazongate goes serial
The WUWT effect
The corruption of science
Rose-tinted spectacles
The turning tide
Vote for change
Wonders will never cease
Millions for IPCC chairman Pachauri
Stupid people
Joined-up commentary
Convenient criminals
A profoundly non-feasible option
Still working it out
A strange and ugly place
Don't laugh
€3.9 billion out of thin air
Quality, not volume
Charity begins with climate change
Even worse than Brown
""We're winning and they're losing""
Working for the enemy
Getting angry is not enough
Good riddance
Euros for Rajendra
If it's a bit quiet
It's just weather
Wedded to their lies
You think
An endangered species
Just one page
Breaking news
And now for Amazongate
Not one, but two ... and counting
Pachauri must resign
Tory eco-bullies rampant
Pachauri: the natural disaster scam
""Your credibility is impeccable""
Broken politics
Wasn't me guv!
UN climate panel blunders again
Pachauri: the real story ...
Pauchauri: EU caught by ""glaciergate"" hype
Decisions, decisions
Inconvenient truth
Contradicting themselves
Those embassies
I guess
Keeping it in the family
That ""conspiracy"" meme
Changing the climate
The agendas merge
Now that's robust
News you will never see
You do wonder
Lost it!
Pachauri doesn't talk to media. Shock!
Round two
A new blog on the block
A Western conspiracy
Short haitus
An outbreak of reticence
The full horror
A new peril
Not a happy bunny
""We got it wrong""
""A serious injustice""
Well, well, well
Times Now TV
A green rebellion?
Talk, talk
A man with no honour
You don't have to be German
Vote Dave – get Brussels
The hidden propaganda
Global warming is back
Credo in unum deum
Global warming meltdown
Tory fail
How green is my golf course?
Self-deception writ large
Saving money?
Peabody Energy Company
The Stack effect - updated
Money talking
A total farce
Holland's first climate exile?
Biased BBC
Saving the planet
There's always a catch
Are the rats deserting the sinking ship?
Diminishing returns
A satisfactory model of complete ignorance
A climate change person
Where our money goes
Compassion fraud
Mirror image
Deniers petition
You will love this
Hatton on hurricanes
Do we really want this?
Web satire
The second front
Climate change – a torrent of EU money
Buying thin air
Sunday comment
Against the grain
African crops catastrophe
That Radio 5 Debate
Notice the similarity?
Rally for Academic Integrity
When in Rome
Pioneers into practice
Shroud waving
A change of pace
Nice work if you can get it
Robbing us blind
Pachauri: there's money in them glaciers
The tsunami all over again
Taking some stick
The weakest link
Another day, another planet
Pachauri: protecting his interests
Ripped off
Pachauri: Sunday Telegraph – Part 1
The big money
We're ""very good indeed""
The Berlusconi method
Stupid comment of the year – so far
And the reason is?
Look in the mirror sonny
The way the money goes round
The greatest eurosceptic of them all
Now they tell us
This is England 2010
Then and now (Part 2)
Meanwhile ...
The denier
Radio 5 Live
The times they are a changing
An independent inquiry?
Downstream comment
Pachauri's law
Off Beebing
New voices
It's only weather
Throwing in the towel?
A wolf in sheep's clothing
Weather and climate
On hold
Still more global warming
A very, very sick joke
Looks like climate from here
Moonbat squeaks
Global cooling in 2009
Prepared for the wrong eventuality
Work in progress
An intelligence test
It'll be back
Closing down!
Anti human?
Haiti – a gathering storm
Garbage for brains
A taste of things to come
Beautiful people
Pachauri: another day, another dollar
The ice age cometh
In the balance
The real thing
Roger Pielke Jr
Pachauri: money laundering? Part II
Praise indeed
It gets better!
In your dreams lady
Pachauri: money laundering?
Does he need professional help?
Honouring a pledge
God Laughed!
Cooling anyone?
Watts Up With That?
Awaiting the Berlin Wall moment
Journalist killed
Pachauri: conflict of interest
Ripping us off
Green grows the opportunity
The real criminals
The fight-back
And a day of madness
In the grip of madness
A fuss about artwork
Double your money!
The silence of the Right
A bad Sheik?
I know ...
Springtime for Fraudocrats
Memo for Copenhagen cops
It must be global warming
Bishop Hill
The Real agenda
A global conspiracy
What more can I say?
Sell your shares!
And they want us to pay more?
Corrupt, untrained, underpaid, illiterate
The TWI visualised
On a completely different subject
Typical media
The hypocrisy of the Greens
A short hiatus
Not just the e-mails
Dale rejected (again)
A lack of trust
The most influential tree in the world
TWI update
One born every minute
What a picture
Clutching at straws
All by themselves
They catch up
Not enough
Pachauri: the smoking gun
The Scarygraph view
That remark
Who do they think they are?
Those deluded souls
Three years to wait?
Permission to doubt
Not enough support?
Making friends
A politician's myth
""Deep Climate""
Climate Saboteurs
Free sex for warmists
""Very worrying""
Is the debate over?
This is good!
Creeping up
Not puzzling at all
The fraud exposed
Caught short?
Measuring the media
Pachauri: TERI-Europe – the enigma (Part 4)
The Tiger Woods Index
Google on climate change
How unkind!
Better in French?
The ""Climate Comrades"" fall out
Which part of over?
A scandal
It woz Hansen
An absolute disaster
Ideological warfare
A romp in the MSM
Al-Gore gets it!
Not just the CRU
Here we go
Theft of data
Oh dear, dear
A peace conference
Polyfilla at the ready
The big climate change fraud
It's still global warming
Message to the Environmental Movement
The greenie's not for turning
The news we want
The wages of ""Climategate""
The wages of Lisbon
More work needed
""Muddled and confused""
Supposi-Tory waffle
Lib-Dims go squidgy
It woz Google?
Where is Devil's Kitchen?
A dispatch from an occupied country
Why should he have all the best tunes?
A diversionary tactic?
The shadow of history
It's started
American Thinker
The march of the clever-dicks
A mushroom cloud
Hiding the decline
Pachauri: the cover-up begins
Thought for the day
What a difference a decade makes
Taking off
A ""splending"" pledge
This is complete fraud
A deal rejected
Beaucoup des euros
Damage limitation
Shock news: UKIP is not suicidal
The mandarins' revenge
The tyranny of the net
Playing but a single tune
A Soviet stooge?
Thanksgiving Tea Party in London
Moonbat speaks
Our new government
A stunning victory?
Rolls-Royce minds?
Mandy who?
One journalist gets it
A use for al-Gore?
The wages of sin
Greenie watch
Global bloody warming
Cry Havoc!
Pachauri: ""no leeway for delay or denial""
And Russia
And Korea
A monument to folly
Pachauri: nose in the honey jar
Now it's Peking's turn
Driving us into poverty
Pachauri: follow the money
Right name this time
Pachauri: How much is this man getting?
Wolf Howling
The waste we are funding
What more can you say?
Pachauri: TERI-Europe – the enigma (Part 3)
Pachauri: TERI-Europe – the enigma (Part 2)
The cost of global warming
Rather preoccupied
Merry Christmas
Scare of the day
More harm than good
We are not alone
Losing the plot
Breaking out
Dave thinks we could win
A trade agreement?
Euro taxes
It's only a poll
Those hacked e-mails
Got it at last!
A contrast of priorities
Meet Herman
Commission 2 – Council 0
A more honest Parliament
A last laugh
The nonentity stakes
He's right
Spare a thought
Dreams of Empire
Another battle
Déjà vu?
Bad idea
Well, I listened to it
Nothing to lose but your chains
Suffer little creatures?
French state visit?
Exporting pollution
The dominoes begin to fall
Why we will lose
Climate emergency
The great divide
In defence of civil servants
Moving up the agenda
No jurisdiction
Wrong end of the stick
A common enemy
Political fodder
The duplicitous British
Land of the faries
But is it legal?
Banged up!
Way out in front
Spin and double-speak
Somebody reads it
And the real story is?
Ignorance is bliss
Howling in the night
Cowboys and Indians
Brigadier Anthony Cowgill
Fighting talk
Another nail
A new wall
Business as usual
Danger, North at work
A war in the offing?
They died in vain
Another one at it
Wise before the event
The end of the great deception
Laugh or cry?
Pachauri: admits to $300,000 in payments
Spitting blood
The lust for ""power""
Calling his bluff
Wise pleads guilty
Surrender monkeys
Village idiot
The Boy at large
Stuck on stupid
A change of government
The man really is thick
It's over
A certain consistency
A new religion is born
A different result?
The sound of silence
Not part of the blogosphere
A tale of two issues
He doth squirm too much
It is official
The bigger picture
This is not supposed to be happening
We don't do comedy
A politician's word
""Over my dead body""
Playing games
Away from Waziristan
Fact checking?
You do wonder
Spend another few billions
Giving away our money
Don't ask
And your point is?
And why does it matter?
United in a common cause
Changing the battlefield
There's a surprise!
Pity the poor EU
British resolve?
Insufficient leadership
Who listens ...
On the streets of England?
End game
Pachauri: hornet's nest stirred
Back to normal
This is a joke, right?
Pachauri: Moving the goalposts
Pachauri: they've all got it in for me!
You have to smile
Not Guilty
Pachauri: another Tata link
A hypocrite as well as a liar
What is with the media?
Wheels coming off?
Welt online
Global corruption
Finger on the pulse
False signals?
Pachauri in expenses scam
And the story builds
Eating away at civilisation
Slow burn
Johnny Ball
Second thoughts
The power of the internet
It's all lies!
An Indian elephant
We should fear cooling
The final betrayal
How do I put this politely?
The politics of reward
The darker side of green
The face of surrender
Dangerously myopic
The real global warming disaster
Knowing your enemy?
It had to happen
Lock up your Mullahs
Village burning
Last night
Appalling bad judgement
Reading ...
Reporting from the frontline ....
Who'd be a reporter?
What are they worried about?
All you need to know
How to get rich
It's just weather
Another one
Mistaken identity
Protecting Big Carbon
Welcome back Mr President
In a world of his own
The theatre is over
Controlling the money
Wheels within wheels
Where's it gone?
Failing the test?
Pier reviewed
Going for the money
Farage on Corus
High Noon for Pachauri
Global warming
The process here is in chaos
A quick thank you
To hold or not to hold
Conflict of interest
Climate lies
Another rant
The real cost
One small setback for man ...
Go away ...
A ""plot"" exposed
Proud of ourselves?
Why we're getting it wrong
Hacking our money
Brown on Afghanistan
Handing down the poison chalice
War porn
Hollow power?
Rats and sinking ships
That dash for gas
The government can
The same old mistakes
Hard times?
Those power cuts
Another ""perestroika"" think-tank
We thought of it first
Stop fighting wars!
Climate justice
Does anything change?
Don't you love these warmists
An intellectual quagmire
UKIP ""hammered""
Some people in London might be interested
Give us a referendum
Food parcels
Is there a link?
The way the cookie crumbles
Unravelling the unknowable
Done it at last
Our money
It's like a war zone up here
Levers of power
Forgive them Lord ...
World government
In the strangest places
Sack your home and sell your wife
They keep trying
Dannatt revisited
The Russians are coming
We need a revolution
Geert Wilders in town
Unexpectedly severe
A Gray day
Join the EU and see the world
Our dilemma
AFPAK in the House
So that's a yes?
Stupid question
Catching up
Operational art
Operational art
Options and national discretions
We have been there before
Not normal
Get back to work
The perennial temptations of populism
Downgrading ""Europe""?
Totally unprepared
They hate humans don't they?
Not thinking straight
A full month ahead of normal
Not a great recipe
""Very worried""
A ""crass"" mistake
Less equals more
A global agenda
The story continues
Where the power lies
Consolation prize?
The wages of neglect
An unwelcome distraction
They are all lining up
Taking the water
Kingsnorth crashes
A betrayal of office
Neither loyalty nor obedience
Reclaiming the ground
How wrong can you get?
You have to smile ...
He can't be that stupid
Dannatt under fire
Letters in the Daily Telegraph
Give us tools?
All got up by the media?
Well, let's see now
The European Project has become the enemy
Double standards
They lie and deceive
On the way to victory
The betrayal starts?
The real debate emerges
Taking us for fools
What debates?
A message
That's enough Urop
Ramping up the fear
Nooooooo, it's Yes!
Elementary my dear Watson
Child abuse
Not 'appy
Global warming: an economic war
They've been had!
Depends what you want to hear
A ""compromise"" solution?
Killing the media
Democracy in action
Good heavens!
World government in action?
Corus in the EU Parliament
A vast nexus of influence
Prayers answered?
The MSM is committing suicide
The cracks are showing
The sky is falling in
Off to save the planet
A busy man
Money tree under threat
Boris sells out
Containing the heresy
Hopes begin to fade
The scam continues
All roads lead to Pachauri
Money for old carbon
We woz not worng
Big Carbon
A chaotic system
Get the woollies out
Western irrelevance
The climate obsession virus
Open debate?
It flewed
That European government
That elusive temperature
Dangerous climate change
An official diet
An unhappy bunny
Climate scientist attacked
A different crisis
An unfortunate juxtaposition
They just never give up
The ""generosity"" of the EU
Birds of a feather
Wonderful Copenhagen
The Manchester heat island
Feeding the green monster
Real money
Professional integrity?
I think we said that
""Very challenging""
Urban heat island effect
Reality bites
More data manipulation
A wobbly warmist
From the mouths of greenies
The money quote
Above its station
It's the government's fault
Another dimension
Missed two
The ""moderates"" attack
So much for the consensus
A political contraceptive
An attack on science
Failure in Iraq
One rule for them
Follow the money
They ain't sinking
Kill the IPCC
The trappings of religion
Blatantly bogus
Will it rise again?
Previous results
The Irish nemesis
Today's the day
Let us stop and think
Pearls of wisdom
Well, what do you know?
An elaborate deception
Snow job
Siren voices
Entertainment value
Bought and paid for
Ought I be flattered?
There was a time ...
Conflicting concerns
Climate illiteracy
Behind the curve
Commission breaks European law - shock!
Germany, elections and that treaty
Descent into madness
Ooooo ... er!
Garbled in transmission?
A nation of yes-men?
Time for a rant
The narrative prevails
Stop pretending
Is nothing sacred?
Watchdog of the watchdog
The naming of names
Yellow journalism
Carbon chaos
A deadly delay
Well, it's up
Round and round
When means now
This is a tricky problem
Germany calling
Behind the curve
Progress of a kind
We face certain defeat
The battle of the corporates
1997 was not Year Zero
Old allies die unnamed
Those light bulbs
It's a catastrophic success
Super-Europe no more
Use them and lose them
Netherlands calling ...
Tactically effective
Political footballs
Bending the rules
Another reason to dump Ryanair
Let them speak English
One might have thought ...
More cut and paste
Hidden in plain sight
Letter from Ireland
More to the man than that
Ted Kennedy dies
The vocabulary of war
Blessed be the peacemaker
Yes, the City of London is beginning to suffer
Michael Yon
A force for good
Not unrelated
I can't wait
Stop whining and love Europe
Speaking from ignorance
They were in a Mastiff
The Taleban within
Bogged down
The EU say ""yes""
Coming together
They mock themselves
The Brussels Taleban
Good point - sort of
One step closer
Leaving it a bit late
The problem is not the tool
A mission statement
Moral infantilism
They are not all bad
Political games
Dealing with the stink
Having it both ways
The office has spoken
Coprophagia watch #2
Missing the point
Coming together
Sending a signal?
Coprophagia watch
Brussels fiddles while home yearns
Double standards?
They should have kept quiet
Memo No 5,673
The public is bored
The values of the harlot
Back in the mincer
It's a good day for us
The hand of the censor
Mea culpa
Chinook shot down
The last throw of the dice?
A short rant ...
A conversation
Order of priorities
A smell of corruption
Unacceptable attrition
Why we are losing
Wading in
Bring them home
On our way out?
Booker on food security
Media management
The floodgates open ...
Sucking up to the MSM
We are not alone ...
The Ponzi Airbus
It happened
An ""exciting journey""
Intelligent debate
Economy drive
Democracy in action
Up his own passage
More news from up north
An amalgam of ignorant drivel
In the melting pot
All at sea?
There is no alternative
Subject to some malfunction
Still true after all these years
The antidote
They know nothing ... they learn nothing
Turd Watch
The pictures tell the story
The turd eaters
The bigger picture
A triumph for propaganda
On not playing nicely with other children
Silence not an option
Rising from the dead
Dave doesn't care
The hidden enemy
Jumping the gun
The mincer of Sangin
More news from Scandinavia
Losing on the home front
Labour's killer disease
Gaining momentum
Blood money
Investing in the crooks
Wir fahren, wir fahren ...
Distorted values
Getting minced
Nursery government
Are we actually interested?
A torrid time
State secrets
Justice there is not
A 40-year war?
Thought for the day
You can fool most of the people ...
No wonder we are in trouble
A common enemy
Three dead in a Jackal
Procurement on the map
Can't think of a better person
He can try ...
Private poverty, public profligacy
A reckoning
Making the point
Ducking and diving
Keeping up with the Icelanders
The lies they tell ...
Robbing us blind
It hasn't gone away
We could do that
From the authors of the inquisition ...
Now for change
Now that's serious
A certain sameness
It's all over bar the shouting
Holding the line
Snout in the trough
Burning our money
More news from Iceland
Frontline Club
News values
The boss tells me ....
Frontline – first impressions
Why no linkage?
Quote of the week
Not even a whimper
A question of balance
We don't know the half of it
Climate change hysteria
Another stitch up in the making ...
Well, they would say that ...
The ground truth
Santa Klaus
All you could ever want
A half-baked scheme?
North meets Gen Jackson
Nice thoughts
Staying with it
Getting to the truth
The EU commission stirs
For the record
Nice spot!
EU tax
And then?
Yon is wrong
God help us!
Well I never!
The expert speaks
The EU squeaks
A grasp of economics
A slight crack ...
A use for the Viking ...
Problems ...
And then there were nine
A breakdown of democracy
The Clegg on the radio
The wind doth (not) blow
Compassion is much overrated
A mighty kick?
The Lazarus project
Another review - Ministry of Defeat
And that election ...
You know it makes sense
Is this is what it's about?
The tyranny of the narrative
A change of pace
We interrupt this broadcast ...
Round and round in circles
There is a world out there!
Make it up?
More deadly than the Taleban
Not a funding issue
A dangerous self-indulgence?
Don't even bother ...
We need more helicopters
A brave new world
What you are not allowed to see
Dead soldiers tell no tales
The censor strikes
And why ...
An unwinnable war?
The great divide
Who's this ""we"", white man?
The situation is serious
Looks like October 2
At the heart of the evil
That's something, I suppose
Me no understand
Collective security
He is going
A paradise lost?
Moonbat squeaks ...
Bubbling ...
A parody of reality
Intensely political
They should not have died
Another break ...
In the media
More ...
Goodness me, people resign?
Propaganda daily
Time to get this sorted
How the media blew it
Welsh Guards CO killed
Watch the video ...
Details to follow ...
The Baroness Kinnock in place
Crap and fade
A small cheer
Green dole
This is politics
Twice as much for less protection
Toxic leadership
Strategic thinking?
An accident waiting to happen
A Bronx cheer
Galileo ""ill-conceived""
The truth ...
Another one down?
""No plans for a European Rapid Reaction Force""
The gathering madness
Not so fast
It's not lost ...
The Gore effect
They can't do it
European defence co-operation
That's journalism!
Where defence leads ...
Keeping a secret
Take your pick ...
The truth begins to emerge
On Booker ...
Military sources
Impotency writ large
Another review
A certain weariness
Iceland will be applying for EU membership
Ghost soldiers
Brown envelopes galore
The Saintly Dannatt
Here's a fun game...
Not even cat litter
And this says it all ...
No headway at all
Someone takes it seriously
Where Catalonia leads ...
Rigging the debate
Developing a spine
Maybe the Tories should start paying attention
The best comment ...
Another review
Insanity rules
Not benefits - but costs
Let battle commence
We are mugs ...
That road to starvation
Must have forgotten
A ""horse and tank"" moment
Bumps in Basra
Mad ... completely mad
Clouded reason
Repent at leisure
Full house again
One of those days …
Playing politics
They never learn
Will the real General Dannatt stand up?
The new Speaker
Interesting observations ...
Yet another triumph
Collective suicide
You couldn't make it up Part 5,697
Lies about lies
Slaughter them now
A lack of focus
A vile creature
UK strategy ""failing"" in Afghanistan
Road rage
Getting interesting
Brown Thursday
Do they know what is coming?
Economic illiteracy
How can we help
The last vestiges of power
Playing politics with peoples' lives
Burning issues
Who cares … spins
A mountain to climb
A litmus test
It's started
There may be trouble ahead
We have been lied to
Helping yourself
Keep them separate
A waste of space
Why are we not surprised?
The road to starvation
A ""loathsome charade""
Sadly, this is true
Ceremonies and traditions
We're going nowhere
Get a grip!
Trouble at the polls
A leadership crisis
On the brink
The cover-up continues
Our troops are needed here
Was it British?
The greater risk
Another one gone
Danse macabre
Brains into neutral
I suppose we should be interested ...
""Unsafe"" gun runners supplying ""Our Boys""
A la lanterne
Mowing the grass
Life goes on
Why are we selling these?
And so it drains away ...
Of course they need more helicopters ...
Evenly balanced?
The all heat and no light show
Losing us the war
Failing the test
The Mail on Sunday can reveal ...
The home front
A view from the blogosphere
Parity and more ...
Looking the wrong way
Climbing the learning curve
Another day ...
While parliament plays …
Just us and them
A double deception
Lost in the trees
Gardening tips
Low politics
Lost in the beauty contest
Fantasy politics
Unacceptable waste
Essential services
A lighter moment
Well, he has resigned
Scorched earth …
Revenons-en à nos moutons
Collective suicide
Institutional decay
David Cameron is pathetic
Not guilty guv
Being vague
A most abject failure
Damaging the system
Too much aggression
Above the roar of the crowd
Founded on deception
Absolutely spot on!
Closing ranks
What's with all these petitions?
A self-licking lollipop
Could this be the explanation?
The limits of power
Is this the best you can do?
Enough is enough
Another MoD blunder
Politics as usual?
In whose interest?
Safety in numbers
Because I'm worth it!
It never rains but it pours
Sticking plaster politics
Teeth gritted …
Looking behind the headlines
Desperately seeking graphics
One does wonder about their political understanding
Disabled …
This is so boring …
A ""victory for the European project""
So farewell then ...
The BBC mindset
A symbol of confidence
The computers fight back
Denmark's democratic farce
While the media plays …
The dash for gas …
Enough already
It's how you tell 'em
Getting worried are we?
Fool's paradise
Another thought …
Playtime is over
Just to recap
Number crunching – 1
The Noble Minister is stumped
A deepest, darkest hatred
Oh joy!
Well, who does rule Britain?
Taking it seriously
Different realities - 4
A balanced Booker …
Not green but red
The interesting thing is …
Victory Day
Perfectly logical …
It has come to this …
A stupid answer to a silly question
Pratting about
Yes Prime Minsiter
A little more on the Czech situation
Different realities - 3
No, no, we must not press for reform
Hard copy
Spot the difference
Who's laughing now?
Different realities - 2
Something in the water?
It's snowing all over the world
NATO exercises in Georgia go ahead
Think about it?
Different realities
Update on that treaty
Every silver lining has a cloud
Another day … another GBU
Ron Paul on ""swine flu""
Thirty years ago
Full circle
A serious discussion
Corporate self-deception
Sorry, couldn't resist it!
Defence sources have disclosed …
""Mistakes were probably made""
They still don't get it
And who can argue with this?
European elections 2009
Game over
Why do they remind me of pythons?
Don't panic!
The risk of failure
A crazy election
The escape from kiddies korner
A strategy in the wings
A green agenda
Update on Better Off Out
Kiddies Korner 1
A shared agenda
Sending a message
If only aid were under national control
A new one almost every week
Peace in our time
A question of prestige
Spring in Cheltenham
A match made in hell
Just imagine
Joined up politics
Another country to watch
On another planet
They can't all be right
A couple of links
Cynical and meaningless
No shit Sherlock!
Better Off Out relaunched
The fog of government
Feeding frenzy
A pig with lipstick
Wrong call
Different views on Ireland
Now that you come to mention it
And the good news is ...
Will we notice the difference?
And the big news is?
On the ball … as always
Alligators at the North Pole
How about some equality?
Something very wrong
Where does Britain stand?
While the children play
It's happening all over
A point of agreement
The politics of stoopid
The stench of corruption
They shoot greenies, don't they?
A bit behind the times
Another nail in the coffin
Dumbing down
Let it fail
Some people will be unhappy
Zzzzzzzzzz …
An honest politician
Clear green water
Six years away from an energy crisis
If we can't hack it …
Chasing their own tails
Opportunity cost
Keep taking the mantras
Greener than thou …
Utterly mad
An ocean of indifference
Yup! Got it in one!
Last man standing
A glimmer of sense
By their omissions …
Last Post or Reveille?
Little José day
We are one Union!
We will send you our ravening hordes
A Page turns
Even the luvvies don't understand it
An absence of strategy?
Getting the point
Taking us for mugs
A breath of fresh air
Thinking the unthinkable
A collective of greenies
Here is a man who writes some sense
At the end of the road …
This rubbish is rubbish …
British loans … for EU students
A title
The day of the others?
Slipping over the edge
Sacred cows to the abattoir
They are already on side …
Things that matter
A leadership vacuum
Politics for cretins
Capturing the mood
This is not a joke
Party system
A perfect (euro) storm?
What is the price of neglect?
The appliance of science?
A crisis of indifference
Mission Impossible?
No fuss about something
From the House of Lords
Oh dear!
A recruiting sergeant
I presume ...
Speaking of spin …
The rip-off continues
By the company you keep
Our secret society – Part 1
Caedite eos!
The spirit of informed debate
A diet of riches
Closer than it thinks
Remember …
As rejected by Americans
A howl of rage
I get accused ...
Intelligent and honourable?
A good point!
Nice to get it out of the way
Aren't we lucky!
Just a tad parochial
A little more detail?
You really could not make it up!
This might make it more entertaining
Still in a fog
Shoot the messenger
The soap opera doth commence
Sixty-five years on
Turn your back for one moment …
The abolition of ""defeat""
Can't resist this
Biter bit
Mother Europe is watching you
Dear me
Lord Dykes and Lord Malloch-Brown show their ability to debate
Crash and burn …
The greatest lie ever told
A few thoughts on the Wheeler saga
Another glorious victory?
This is why we should shoot them
The loneliness of the long-distance MP
A man of principle
Dangerously parochial
I was deliberating ....
""The situation is increasingly perilous""
The clackity claque
Real politics goes on
The Commission is not happy
Just as you thought ...
A sense of proportion
European democracy, eh?
Nursery games
Preliminary results
Defence in the House
Apathy rules
As clear as …?
Let us not forget
Ministry of Defeat
A wonderful title
Another humiliation
Brain overload
Well, that's the BBC for you
An invisible scandal
Those democratic elections
Making the point
Failure is not an option
The real world intrudes
Alter ego …
Giving them a kicking
Lessons to learn
Not good
The devalued Prime Minister …
From a distant planet …
Amateur's night out
A very simple answer
All because the EU wants to be loved
It is not what they do …
The yawning chasm
The little picture
Outside the bubble
Up, up and away
Amateur hour
This is serious
Another reality
Has Parliament permitted it?
A certain resonance
A great new blog
Oh goody!
Whither NATO?
Ferrets in a sack
Looking in the mirror
Things could be worse
You can't just ignore it
A parallel universe
Well, fancy that!
The sweet smell of retreat
You can be sure of Shell
Straws in the wind
They don't do politics, do they
Highway of Heroes
The servants are getting uppity
Sense and nonsense
Here be speculation
Here we go again
The underlying problem
A turning point
Blowing smoke
Whatever you do, don't listen
Big issues
Law of unintended consequences
Doing the job
A political conspiracy
Enterprise and industry
Just go away …
Wooops ...
A hundred days …
Let them eat carbon …
It didn't happen m'lud
Muddled thinking
Well, they are certainly stirring
Different agendas
Mote and beam?
Tories jump ship
Doomed Planet?
An interesting contrast
All over the place!
Meanwhile ...
One rule for them …
Boring …
Suicide demonstrators?
Missing the point
Oh no!
Little ado about even less
Idiot abroad
I disagree
Navel gazing
An emotive issue
How about it Mr Brown?
No, it is not a national tragedy
Comparable with ancient astrology
It's official - the law is different for them
It's the Directives, stoooopid!
The ring of truth
Them cracks keep on growing
Yesterday's news
The shadow of Auschwitz
Getting there?
There again …
Keeping the Queen's peace
We shall see
British jobs … for Austrian workers
A seriously bad idea …
You play, we pay …
Oh this is so sad
A question of priorities
Terrorism on our doorstep
No surrender!
A concerted line
The truth will out … sort of
Attack of the spammers
Preparing for a lack of power
Out in the open …
The watchdog that doesn't bark
A failing system
Is this significant?
Say it ain't so - part 5,379
Eye watering
What are they on?
The fall of Rome?
The silence of the damned
Errm, perhaps we do not think that highly of Obama after all - 1
A half-billion donkey
The silence of failure
Forecasters caught out …
A summer of anger?
The censorship of the Beeb
The wages of neglect
Bring out your unrest
Lost before it started – Part 7
Now they tell us
What fun
A wide-ranging debate
Lost before it started - Part 6
A lesson in politics
Not altogether surprising
Naïve or just plain arrogant?
In the heart of our democracy
Lost before it started – Part 5
Guardians of our freedom
Waffle, waffle
For all the fine talk …
Lost before it started – Part 4
Not wanted in Paris
Nothing changes …
How things change …
Playing games in the bubble
They are so thin-skinned these days
Yesterday in Parliament
Not all that illogical
Media bias?
The reality is worse
What to do about Pakistan?
Do we care?
Reality is a nasty place
Brown says …
One law for them …
Secret squirrel
Round and round the same track
That explains it …
Warming on hold
There's no business like snow business
Who are they kidding?
Tories v UKIP
It woz the greenies wot done it!
The capacity to destroy II
Armageddon Jones
The capacity to destroy
Just in case you have not seen this
Catching up
Who listens to the EU?
Behind our backs
There is no hope …
A dagger in the heart of the economy
EU members ""freeloading""
How much is a picture worth?
No port in a storm
Worth reading
Something very odd …
Collateral damage
Make no mistake …
I wish …
Arrogant, contemptuous and condescending
The fug of war
What a waste!
Fudging the message
A small complaint
The name of the game
Surely not
Lost before it started – Part 3
The joke's on us
The world has gone mad
""Far right may benefit in EU poll""
A price worth paying for our success
Brussels calling!
Before and after
Lost before it started – Part 2
EU losing its grip …
This man is insane
Oddly enough ....
The last word (well, temporarily) ...
Lost before it started – Part 1
A distorting prism
One knows how they feel
Raiding the reserves
The age of unreason
Only one choice
Killer Greens
Distorted values
Tomorrow's rally in Trafalgar Square
It is what they don't tell you ...
Wrong question
Even the ""brothers"" aren't buying it
Bluff and double bluff
That CNN video (cont.)
Another crisis, another opportunity …
End of the Tillack saga?
I don't think they understand
If we did this?
Gosh, what a surprise!
Apologies ...
This reminds me
Government by fiat
Agents of influence and useful idiots
Different dogs, same trick
Now it's our turn!
History repeats itself … sort of
More on those dates
In the money
Yet again I have to ask
Seriously screwed!
Two-faced Brits
Engrenage again
Broken China
Cherry picking
A defence of defence?
Windmills are not for turning
And that goes for me, too
Happy New Year
Pictures that tell a thousand stories
We are supposed to take this seriously?
Does anyone care what David Miliband says?
""Profitability was just around the corner""
Whatever the media may say ...
Marshmellow power
The new deal
A single European identity
Christmas is over
Worse than we think
Toothless talk
Another day, another prediction
The voice of ignorance
Which government?
Their noble parasites
Christmas wishes
Happy Christmas
Make or break!
A good Christmas game
Distorted priorities
Sooner kill than cure
Tractor production
Action this day?
They care not what they do
Booker – part 2
Booker - part 1
Getting in first
Any which way, we pay
Parliament's position
The cooling has it!
Work that one out
""Same old failings""
Utterly powerless
A symptom of our consensus of cowardice
It hasn't gone away
Mark of the beast
Statement from Baroness Cox and Lord Pearson of Rannoch
Justified pessimism
Well, now we have a problem
Got in one!
Stitched up
OK, you can pile in again
Nearly missed this one
A question of trust
Caught in the crossfire
Race to the bottom
Self indulgence
The blind shall lead the blind
Siren voices
If hypocrisy was a religion …
German reactions to Swedish decision
Regulation without reason
Being there
Sweden rethinking?
In need of pity
Hey, I was there. So what?
The cult of personality
Brothers under the skin
Should this be denied?
The Army has spoken
Euro Mail
An Atlantic rift?
A fair weather member
Some interesting speculation
The final humiliation
How could we have forgotten this?
A vacuum at the heart of politics
So madness descends
Take a break!
What is the point?
The erosion of government
Self-destruct mode
Protected minority?
The poisonous drip of misinformation
Creaking at the seams
A new(ish) party
It's the economy stoopid
Join the (EU) Navy
There is more to it …
A ""loophole"" in the law
Grecian flames
Compare and contrast
How Long Before We See Eco-Terrorism?
Record snows in the Alps
How to contain terrorists
Because we care ...
A plea for help
The madness of our age
Flying elephants
Which one's the democrat?
Mind over matter
Sack him!
Sense … but no sense
Changing the dinosaur
This ain't just ""weather""
A culture of denial
Scepticism ""morphed into contempt""
Outrage shouldn't be one-sided
It's getting bad here ...
From outside the bubble
The four horsemen for hire
And talking of democracy being undermined ...
The rule of law
A kind of a rant ...
Losing the plot
An object of contempt
A nice pot of tea
They live on a different planet …
The man who knows?
How others see us
Who needs the EU?
Busy on the BrugesGroupBlog
Someone doesn't read the blog
Do they read the blog?
The law is the law …
Bureaucratic Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
Deluded or what?
Post-scientific hysteria
The polluted pays
What about the searchlight?
Rush hour …
Not what you do …
Window Dressing
They kill people don't they
A terrifying world
Informed comment?
Oh for a grown-up party!
Makes you weep
Does the sun rise?
Do we care?
Inside the bubble
An absence of leadership
A Tetley footprint?
Waiving the rules
Right and wrong
Greenie screams
This spells trouble
Guilty secret
Stunning news
You are welcome ...
More global warming
That totemic figure
Open Letter to the Taxpayers' Alliance
A few inches of global warming …
We can't have ""perceptions""
A promise of peace
Pointing in the wrong direction
Emotion as the new reason
Economically illiterate?
I'd say they are rejoicing too soon
Jobs for the (foreign) boys!
Now, there's a surprise!
An example
Real politics
Gone forever
The democratic iceberg
Empty vessel syndrome
The greatest delusion of them all
A lost decade
Failure is the only option
All I want for Christmas …
Collapse of a policy
Up to no good
More skeptics
No tears here
For interest
Less than impressed
Going nowhere
As they see us
Oh dear!
Children at work?
The dynamics of power
Ignorance is bliss?
Searchable database
The only problem
Climategate II?
Something has to give
Spanish lessons
A dip into the parties
Nicey-nicey does it
An entitlement culture
Democracy long departed
Background noise level
Taking the piss out of wind
Brains in the posterior position
A Booker trio
Jesuits at large
The trivia fairies
A ""revolution"" consuming its children
Chamberlain was a heavyweight
Countdown to failure
The elective rip-off
Struggling for coherence
A national scandal
Making it worse
Confirming our opinion
A message from Mrs EU Referendum
Wishing doesn't make it so
The war goes on
So farewell then ...
A dangerous line to walk
Officially out
On the brink of fragmentation
In the ""stupid camp""
Calm down dears
Confidence dealt a blow
Another exercise in rhetoric
A futile gesture
The only growth industry in town
A matter of trust
The whole point is that we don't
Gripping – and frightening
The tax the unelected are desperate to have
A hard days work for the Easter Bunny.
Missing the point.
There will be jobs.
Knock back the doubters
The future?
Not long now
I'm back
The European Spring?
HMG replies to two questions
The resignations just run and run
That man again.
Yeah, pretty much.
Guest posts
Are they going? Any minute now
Are they going? In a pig's eye
1688 and all that...
Not nobody is going to resign, not nohow
Karlo rather than Groucho Marx for once
Nope, they haven't gone
And just to cheer everyone up
We might lose two Prime Ministers
Not called Papandreou for nothing
Cruella is baaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Light blogging
Does this man have any self-awareness?
Homework fail
Britain's most dangerous podcaster
Democracy took a back seat
Things must be seriously bad
Greece in the limelight
Out of the public eye
The theatre of the absurd
A policy of failure
Not to be confused with democracy
Not such a surprise
A puzzle
Descent into the abyss
Grrrr – eeeeek
Carbon suicide
Happiness, happiness
I'm shocked
The convulsions of the corpse
Playing the joker
Amateurs at work
I think we knew this
The road to war
The gospel according to St Huhne
Contradiction in terms
The writing on the wall
It was always going to be
Who do you think you are kidding?
Not in a million years
Be afraid
Nothing has changed
A deal?
End game
Behind the curve
Lucky Libya
Parliament at work?
Read it and weep
Business as usual
The day democracy died
Not quite
On top of their game?
Not enough
They just don't get it
The privileges of power
Poisoning the well
This England of ours
Still think you would win?
That's a success then?
The limits of green
Now read this
Shades of '38?
Dead dictator trumps ""Europe""
Unravelled Green
Plumbing new depths
Worth less and less
Time running out
Green death
The generals finally share the blame
You can't defy gravity
Close down the blogs
Back in business
The threat of the individual?
A rational act?
No need to argue
Struggling for answers
Life in six-minute chunks
The least he can do
It's all de fault of ... somebody
Internal server error
Headlines I would like to see
The good old days
Then and now
Three years to the day
Not good enough
Not a dent in him
The wind is sown
Up a Gumtree?
Noted By Madame Defarge - 2
Self delusion
On a path to destruction
Support your politicians
Noted By Madame Defarge
A short interlude
A light touch
Stolen from our pockets
Of glass houses and stones
More Europe
Take an article Miss Failygraph
Well, we're totally shocked
Opportunities lost
Past neglect
Double bubble
Carbon dictator
Back to unreality
Back in the real world
Rise of the mega blogs?
More equals less
A spanner in the works
And today's excuse is?
Now you see him ...
The answer lies in the Euroslime
The agenda unfolds
Is anyone looking at China?
Err ...
The China Problem
Maritime surveillance begins ... in India
The worm turns
The worm is turning.
The three lies that prove the scam
This cannot continue
Reform of the BBC
A nation of people
No Greens in the Emerald State
Follow the money
Irish general election
The joys of democracy
Déjà vu all over again
Steel yourself
Really taking the piss
A scandal emerges
Open thread – part two
It's still a local event?
Wikileaks and The Guardian
Clever boy!
Is there a connection?
Biggest Douche in the Universe Award 2010
They were all at it
The fall of Moscow
No worries
Morano on Fox
Twenty hours in 40 seconds
""Citizens' initiative procedures""
The price of green
The price of indifference
The retreat into trivia
Trying it on
What is it for?
Of suits and spades
It's over?
Who cares wins?
Merry Christmas
A matter of priorities
""A transient phenomenon""
In the land of the morons
Playing for high stakes
Snow not an ""optional extra""
Total eclipse of the Moonbat
Tectonic plates
What shall we do with the climate sceptic?
There is a God in Heaven
A new low
I'm so sorreee
""Us"" and ""Them""
Chickens … home … roost
A dark and cold Britain
Afore we go
It came again
A family affair
Kallaste december på 135 år
Another king, another country
Irish eyes ... continued
The destroyer of nations
Lights out!
What is he smoking?
Is this for real?
I think we knew that
The EU goes on and on
When Irish eyes are crying
Now we shoot them
Oh woops
That's enough Dave
Spoiling the narrative
An icy blast from the past
Subliminal message?
Solar mania
There was a time when we didn't ask
More sense than most
A world gone mad
It started in Westminster
A reasonable alternative?
A lack of self-awareness
Our thieving partners
The Fox is shot
That referendum debate
The guilty ones
Why are they surprised?
And now it's Labour's Act
Anyone but Huhne
Death and taxes
That's revenge?
Who is this ""we""?
Help when you need it (not)
I am not going mad
Above the line – below the line
Occupying the low ground
Fox on the run
An ex-secretary
My sentiments entirely
Foundations of sand
Postpone the revolution?
A sanctimonious turd
They did not win
A last hurrah?
The dash for cash
This is dangerous
He can't even get that right
Sham consultation
Neither civil nor servants
Not even on the same galaxy
The Greed Index
Reporting the news
Shaping the agenda
Can we leave the EU?
Think positive
Never knowingly misinformed
Fake Tories
Saving Massa George
A perfect storm?
Of democrats and autocrats
The dream turned to nightmare
Are we at all surprised?
Greedy City
The power to decide
No easy life
We shall ignore them
Bristol bandits
The first ten
Conference time
A stealth tax on the poor
And with one bound ...
Not impressed
The master of irrelevancy
Passengers of events
Totally domed
From Hell, Hull and Halifax …
They know nothing else
When will they ever learn?
Value for money
Costs reasonably incurred
Robbing the poor
Party time
The rule of fear
Of no serious purpose or value
Small disaster – many not hurt
Non credo quia absurdum est
The feel-bad factor
Freedom of speech?
The guilty men
The ""phantom visit"" fraud
A long time coming
A fraud found out
The fear factor
A leaderless revolution
No respect, and no policy
Shambles upon shambles
He speaks too soon
We're all in this together?
Baby talk
A lack of commitment?
Loot of the day
Dark deeds and darker days
Reality bites
Loot of the day
One of our policies is missing
Back to reality
We would never have guessed
BRADFORD Capitulates
A predictable result
Over a barrel
A reason – give me a reason
Not only necessary but a duty
Has it started?
A vast criminal conspiracy
And so what?
Not all it seems
Unravelling the scam
Empty vessels
Never fails to impress
Diversionary tactics
40 Prozent würden Eu-kritische Partei wählen
The alternative plan
The £4 million heist
The only way out is out
The noose tightens
Power to the people
Holed below the waterline
The establishment on trial
Permanent austerity
Everyone's an expert
A result
A suicide note from the centre
News from a distant planet
This is only the start
The rule of law
The Siege of Bradford – day three
A statement of the bleedin' obvious
Strap in tight
Shaking the money tree
The Siege of Bradford – day two
The thick blue line
Not impressed
Dellers goes for Palin
Taking back control
The irony of it all
Good advice
Fighting back
The Siege of Bradford
Attacking the money tree
The corporate enemy
A measured response
Part of the problem
He doesn't
The legacy
Monuments to lunacy
To kill a bailiff
The thrashings of the dinosaurs
Mencken territory
Change of style
A thieves' charter
Tim's left foot
Not the last word
So where do we go from here?
Taking us for fools
The unbridgeable gap
The charade continues
Damage to us all
Playing with the faeries
This is getting to be a habit
Lawson flatulates again
Reality calling
Even the Greens don't believe it
It hasn't gone away
Always last to catch on
You read it here first
(Mis)reading the riots
A thought for us all
A humiliation for Merkel
Telegraph hacked
A small apology
System malfunction
Disaffection is catching
Justice beyond the grave
The end is nigh?
A history of England
Without consequence?
The days are numbered
Lucky for her
The enemy within
The bureaucratic mentality
Grand theft tidal
No ""Falklands effect"" for the Boy
Getting the point
I blame the parents
Too thick to learn
No confidence in the system
In the public domain
The real looters
Justice for all
Corporate looting
Are they afraid?
The looters' looter
We need a revolution
Tory splits?
The ""excellent blog""
Please leave the sector
Actions speak louder than words
Telling it like it is
Wholesale looting
Another day, another looter
The corporate looters
Sod the Arab Spring
Hackney looters hit the jackpot
A sense of betrayal
I'm alright Jack
Everywhere you look
Can they really be serious?
Nuff said
Only one part of the picture
Wanna date?
Hitler would have been so proud
A matter of judgement
Jailing the wrong looters
They shoot looters don't they?
Look in the mirror Dougie
A herd of Myrtles
Madness ""is far too polite a word""
Manchester looter keeps job
Looking stupid
As hypocritical as the Guardian
Cameron's father-in-law loots from old ladies
A low-grade civil war?
The looting continues
Reality bites
Strength through Joy
The looting of the Hill
Sceptic tank leads to jail?
Camden looter escapes jail
Picking up the wreckage
Not the end, but a rehearsal
Suicidal walruses
A COP-out
A mind which had become warped
The fantasy of wind
Running scared?
The price of wind
A fundamental truth
I'm rather enjoying this
Grinding to a halt
The PR world of The Boy
The piss-off factor
Is there no end to this perpetual insult?
Expecting different results...
On the up side
Only half the story
And the fool speaks
The phoney ""fightback""
Looters escaping justice
This is wrong
Someone is going to get killed
Other pieces of the jigsaw
That Blitz spirit
Our big, brave plods
A fine bit of prose
In defence of David Starkey
A free pass for Cameron
Shoot the royals
The politics of fear
We may be too late
He's got a point
It's our job
It could never happen in Texas
Someone is listening
No limits?
On the other hand
A scent of rebellion
A cat-a-strophic tail
Out of control and above the law
Fundamentally lacking in judgement
The charge of the councils
Rebellions bite upwards
The march of time
Sacre Bleu! Eees climate change!

A failing industry
The nature of our problem
They really don't get it
Another looter ""outed""
Are we men or wimps?
A fool unto himself
Consider it a rehearsal
Still more looting
""Robust and more effective policing""
The knee-jerk fool
More looting in London
A nation scared of its own children?
Got it in one
Knee-jerk garbage
We cannot tolerate this
Corrupt and decaying from top to bottom
Getting it wrong again
Don't forget the alienated middle class
Sow the wind
It was ""we"" wot dun it
That word ""respect"" again
A healthy reaction
Those Peelian Principles
It's not a riot - it's an insurrection
The end of Boris
Mindless journalism
Not difficult to see
A loss of respect
A second-rate melodrama
Oh yes it is
And then we get this
A sitting army?
Reason departed
Failure writ large
How Hacking Started
The smell of death
Lovely people
Noted By Madame Defarge - 7
A grand old tradition
Delete ""Armed Forces""
Nothing yet will change
Riding the tiger
Is there no end
Get on with it
They can't even resign properly
Noted By Madame Defarge - 6
An unrecognised fracture
It isn't
Mr ""Facing Both Ways""
Noted By Madame Defarge - 5
A Soylent Green moment
No way back
Noted By Madame Defarge - 4
Spot the difference
They should not be shocked
Totally missing the point
A world of grey
If we didn't know different
He really is that stupid
The parasite class prospers
This is not a riot
A nice day out in a free country?
United States downgraded
And while you are waiting
Bear witness
It's scary time again
When the possible becomes the inevitable
Racial discrimination?
Enter the fact checkers
So easily pleased
These people are thieves
A ""massive shock""
None so blind..
Cut-price failure
The band leader resigns
An international phenomenon
The symptoms, not the cause
Noted By Madame Defarge - 3
The Army looks after its own
Sweet 'n' sour
Germans not doing enough in Libya, shock
The new normality
Never trust a junkie
A dose of unreality
Booker: a question of history
Power and responsibilities
Squeaky voices
Is the ""great"" off the menu then?
Doomed to failure
The brothel keepers
An interesting business model
With weary predictability
A moment of shame
An absence of history
Will the real Peter Oborne stand up?
You next
A way in
Deliberate or just plain stupid?
You don't say
Another power grab
They did it
Just the sort of crap
Where have they been?
The European idea
Euroscepticism – but not as we know it
Trawling for truth
Pre-emptive strike
Strike, baby! Strike!
Er ... excuse me?
Lost it!
Say no more
Insult to injury?
How they all lie to us
Hidden Europe
A hugely ironic inversion
What is royalty for?
A mandatory qualification?
I think we knew this
Nose bleeds
Our monstrous MPs
Forever failing to perform
No longer news
Count the teaspoons
That's democracy?
The tramlines of Referism
Churnalism almost wins out
Life copies art
Another charade
Corporate clever
A question
Voting for oblivion
Asleep on the job
What are we doing?
Trapped in the bubble
Why only a ""little""?
They still can't get it right
Doing the honest thing
And plan B is?
Sun shines ... Greeks strike
Losing the will to live
Back again
This is why
MoD ""bloated and dysfunctional""
Blown it!
A measure of the divide
Has to be good
Scottish practices
Look in the mirror?
The EUterus
Ignoring the elephant
The penny drops
Nice and easy does it
Matured stupidity
The Austrian defence
There is no hope
What is and will be
Softening the line?
The epitome of ignorance
Escape from Brussels
A field for them all
Green jobs – Boeing jobs?
Never let it be said
The decline and fall
The circus elephant in the room
Confirming the obvious
Wilders is innocent
The perils of the eurozone
Another one bites the dust
A message of peace and love
Klepturition 7
A very dangerous time
Default blues
The Green Revolution – part 1
The edifice crumbles?
Of revolutionary times
Barking cats
In the spirit of Leighton-Morris
The bleating starts
Greece will fail
Bog off
They really are all the same
A repentant sinner?
It would be a mercy
A threat to our security
Greenpeace in our time
Klepturition 6
A nosedive of morale
Revolution on hold?
Shades of 40
Who would have thought?
Down in the underpants laundry
Mind over matter
Ta ta Tata?
By your advisors shall ye be known
You're still going to die
Adult news values
The shame
Revolting Greeks ... again
When elites fall out
Dhimmitude 1940
Up their own fundaments
Hitting the switch
Double domed
Cutting back
They don't get it either
The Boy dun wrong
The fat lady sings
Not an ounce of sympathy
Go hang
Encore Rafale
Aren't you proud?
The prattle of tiny brains
Delusion bites back
The story continues
By special request
Another day, another promise
The wheels groan on my wagon
What did they expect?
Breaking News
Not a problem
A common thread
The appliance of science (not)
Point, missed, completely
The dynamics of power
Oh woops!
Stupid, malign idiot
Who's mugging whom?
Where has he been?
The tyranny of ""science""
Watching them squirm
""Breeding ground"" threat
Another hijack attempt
Listening mode off
The mighty have fallen
Foreign aid is ""bold and right""
Micturition in the same pot
Tax bandit
'Elf and Safety
Do it yourself
Don't forget the barbed wire
Your excellent book
Perpetuating the delusion
Unsustainable libraries
We've been there before
Do not feed the clogs
The Macaulay effect
End game
A very different country
Referism: the debate
What can we learn
Political blogging
Silly season comes early
More thievery
Revolutionary times
""Accurate forecasts ... not possible""
The corporate world
Five-a-day is up
Creature comforts
The plunder continues
Thinking it through
The system doesn't work any more
Deserves a wider audience
A Wednesday fourteen
Thieves at large
I got it wrong
Thick MSM
Asheep at the helm
The agenda revealed
Twitter ye not
And we need the MSM why?
Another day, another jailbird
Another dozen
And for my next trick
Beware of Greek politics
The cruellest fiction
First they came for the slaughterhouses
Over the top
Devil's Kitchen speaks
A backwards look
An invitation
All the news not fit to print
The power of an idea
A fantastic fourteen
Heatwave? Yeah, right!
It's happening
Crisis! Panic! Disaster!
Not PIIGS but Pigs
The darkness gathers
Politics of the nursery
The gentle art of revolution
Blogroll hopping
Huff-Puff comes to town
Good news – for once
A lack of consideration
Stop the cheques
Another twelve
Not on the back of the poorest
About 3,060 results
Klepturition 5
A voters' alliance
And the value is?
Global government
The threat does not go away
Not unrelated
The lies they tell
A good start
Always a reason
Eleven weeks' borrowing
Under our noses
Not ""deniers"" but ""dissenters""
The only acceptable diagnosis
This is getting stupid
All the motivation you will ever need
Any goo will do
They know not what to do
The Parasite Class
The slide into decline
The death of UKIP
The verdict of history
Plaything of the Gods
Steely-eyed killers
Answers please
Not invented in London?
High fives?
Blogger is back
Ruminations on Euroscepticism
The curse of the bubble
A short communication
The deferred revolution
Can I have some of that?
It ain't fair dealing
I'll go with that
Only the start
On their way out
One day my son
The truth dawns
Koch facts
They really are thick
Referism: breaking the chains
Mind your own business
To chasten the guilty
Nothing has changed
Now tell us something we don't know
Greenpeace not a charity in NZ
Holding the line
Eurocrats lie – shock!
Referism: abolishing the general
The joys of photoshop
Sadder but not wiser
There is hope
If Heineken made stupid people
That ""ism"" again - Referism
An astonishing revolution
Mission Accomplished
From one to another
Death wish
Lessons learned
New pics
Our Masters
Another lurch to the bottom
An abdication
The next steps
No shit Sherlock!
An air of unreality
Greece stains
A model of chaos
So that's a no, then?
Animal Farm
What Obama really saw
Protecting the narrative
Election (not) special
Frozen Poles
Honey! They stole my vote!
Change of pace
Sailing away
Cutting his losses
Getting it wrong
Breaking news – gnomes seized
They didn't!
Achieving the impossible
The ex-Kommissar speaks
Unlawfully killed
Nothing changes
Go strikers! Go!
Prince of hypocrits
A feast of fools
How very convenient
Drawing the battle-lines
The march of Ruritania
Photos released of violent thugs
Fighting the babysnatchers
A tale of three cities
The ring of servitude
That narrative again
Another grand day
Getting a result
Herd instinct
Don't learn - can't learn
Lessons learned
The sacrificial van
Another fine mess
Thank goodness
Maybe it's me?
On a mission?
A message from an alternative universe
And the fallen
Decline and fall
Ian Tomlinson: final decision
One rule for them?
The story repeats
Out of order
What are they for?
A grown-up subject
Forget the principles
The cupboard is bare
Not their business
Of this world?
Never heard of him
A new economic paradigm
Propaganda ? us
When, not if - ugly
The right way
Where is the Prince of Wales?
The politics of denial
Closing ranks
Thank goodness for the MSM
Shocked ... again!
I see no immigrants
The babies are out
Bristol Stokes Croft riot - the story so far
Time is not on their side
And now for something completely different
Setting the agenda
Towards incompetence
The Taliban anthem
This can't possibly be true
Global warming is real
Oh! The genius of it all!
Questions on Bristol
A last word
Missing a trick?
This is really funny
A wilful lie?
Hail the MSM
Don't know nuffink
Serious overkill
The information hub moves on
More reason
The proposition is absurd
Eruption in Grimsvötn
The morning after the day after
Not wanted
Cashing in the carbon
Happy Birthday to us
Thick ... or what?
Returning the compliment
It won't
Carbon footprint
Pulling wings off flies
MPs should make the law?
Pay up or else
Poolside gossip
Klepturition 4
They can't cope with it
It guessed
Blowing our minds
Suicide by bomb disposal
No shit Sherlock ... 2
Nice friends
And they expected any different?
A voice from the ghetto
Holy Carp!
No shit Sherlock!
Incoherence comes from
Klepturition 3
The forgotten war
A view from the Szamuely
Don't call it apathy
Please tell me there's a ""Plan B""
Greece domed
I think we already knew this
Intellectual mildew
Man of the people
A question of priorities
An opportunity missed?
Working together for a police state
He's always doing that
More wonderful plods
The very essence of the EU
Alarming stuff
Here we go again
Not just the politicians
By your friends shall ye be known
Dellers on blogging
EU ""ready to send troops to Libya""
Can we shoot them now?
Not a very good job
We can knit
Sending a message
Rejecting the agenda
Surprising it's that many
There at last
Baby dribble - the antidote
Spot the difference
Oooh! The hardship of it all
Our masters speak
Why do they play these games?
Scraping the barrel
Wise choice
And now if you want to weep
The face of the enemy
Other people's money
Mad days
It gets better
And why should they?
A phoney war?
Unfinished business
Just deserts
Obama does something
The spotlight shifts
Open borders
Falling apart
Political Inertia.
They're all at it
Strike first, strike hardest
A bail condition?
The Guardian thinks
Guilty as charged
And just in case
More than he bargained for
Sadly deluded
What are they for?
Watch the other hand
What now?
Stresses and strains
Doesn't that make you feel proud?
What did they expect?
Gone (Euro) soft
An unforced error
Our wonderful British bobbies
Off with their veils
Good stuff
Keeping us in the dark
Election fever
Fantasies collide with reality
A shining symbol of incompetence
Bye-bye democracy
That defence review
Every silver lining has a cloud (not)
Pain in Spain
Operation Amnesia
A spectacular failure
On their way
Parliamentary language?
Beneath contempt
A distorted picture
It is happening
Klepturition 2
The fool rushes in
Talking of losing it
Off the rails
Lookee here
Money for gestures
This is piece of theatre
Too complicated to care?
Seventy years apart
Below the line - AMENDED
Ten mill down
Paying the price
There must be a price
Some time
Gaming the system
A worst nightmare
Political suicide?
We need a new approach
Fred Karno's Katastrophik Kapers
Denial of climate change is irresponsible and dangerous
Foxtrot Foxtrot Sierra
Blowing smoke
Outgunned and outfought
What a bloody mess
Foxtrot Oscar
To a benefits queue near you
Judge not Judge Judge
Many a true word
The real Dave stands up
Ice cold in Petersburg
Beyond barking
Unintended consequences
It ain't fair dealing
Not even an airshow
Take your pick
Dem cuts
The tyranny of the crowd
None the wiser
Military execution
On the trot
What goes through their minds?
Ben Dover
Creative writing
A new Hague doctrine
To amend the Treaty
Another day, another crisis
Sense and stupidity
Payback time
Unfinished business
The peddlers of prestige
Political incomprehension
It's a start
Costing us a bomb
Nuke to the rescue
We have not heard the last of this
And we should care?
Cameron's game of silly buggers
The price of ego
One of our interests is missing
Plugged in
Costing our nuclear future?
The storm gathers?
Second-rate minds
Theft is all around us.
Preparations continue
They know not what they do
Laugh or cry?
Settling down
Barriers to understanding
End of the BNP?
""Leader"" calls for ""leadership"" shock
Community relations
Totally, completely, utterly
Not global warming?
A loser's creed
Year of the icebreaker
Put not your trust in governments
Unexpected consequences
Their contempt for you is total
More pictures
Sleeping easily in our beds
Thinking straight
That's all we need
Tipping point
Doggies, poppies and Pex
And then what?
Fukushima for dummies
Our conception of the ""new Europe""
Life goes on
No competition
A positive object
Terminal decay
The net closes
Can't we give the gentleman away?
How come
Blow-jobs drive unemployment
Heart of stone time
Oh happy days!
You can't be serious!
They are the masters ... for now
We need a new ""ism""
Irony chip melts
Les incompétents
Lawful rebellion
Already sold ... out
Green and pleasant land
For the chop?
Gung-ho and arrogant
Le Pen is mightier than ... Sarkozy
Top Tory Talks Tosh
Remove from friends...
They don't get any lower
How much more?
We're domed
Thick Tory Talks Tosh
Reason long departed
You really do wonder
Spring cleaning
No ice here ... move along please
Cleggerons bomb
Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story
Serious quality
And now we pay
The great wall of Europe?
The great wall of Europe?
Synchronised burning
Terminal decline
She don't get it
What for?
Learning how to rebel
That's shocking
When chaos rules
It's Foxtrot Oscar time
Surrender of the euroslime
Even our rubbish is rubbish
They can't jail us all
A real liberal
Cloud-cuckoo land
Go no further
Giving in to your rational side
We are revolutionaries now
The wages of instability
Money for Mr Pachauri
Snow bomb
Too far ahead
The knee bone is connected to the ...
Sad, bad and dangerous
Is Fox serious about the ""Military Covenant""?
We've been there before
A smile passed my lips
Sucking it in
A third world country
Just another lie
The world goes white
A Fox is shot
Bye-bye Harrier
An Italian job
Greeks on the boil
Stop feeding the filth
Here we go again
The words begin with
One born every minute
The death of satire
The retreat continues
The whores of Failygraph
Help for heroes
Sucking up subsidies
Rot at the Beeb
Europe: voices from the grave
Who wrote this, and when?
Baiting the warmists
Open Fred
Finger on the pulse
Komik Korner
False prophets
The shape of things to come
A gift that keeps on giving
Heartwrenching and complex
An existential threat
Unmanaged space
Give the mob its Bone
Part two
Why the surprise?
A classical education
Three days early
Grovelling in the weeds
If it quacks ... it's a horse
They have lost their fear
The deed is done
Fun and games
UK consumers are ripped off
Comment removed
Stitched up in spades
Record breakers
She is out at last
Simply reckless
Back to the Nursery
An article of faith
The Jamesmobile
Are they at all surprised?
Through the worst
ET don't phone home
Nimrods home to roost
Nice one
Built on a lie
Three hundred metres
Buy euros
Myrtle the Judas goat
""Experts warn""
On being stitched up
Groundhog day
A ""disproportionate"" response
Last one out?
A neat asymmetry
Biting my tongue no longer
They were only playing leapfrog
Walking the dark side
Out of touch
Wrecker greens
Before and after
A spat in the corner
Avoiding the debate
""Unusually strong""
It's Booker time
He took the hint
Sucking at the public teat
Hope springs eternal
It was always going to happen
Stormy weather
You can hide
Shale gas
The ""finality"" of an election
It's only weather
Plumbing bottom (not)
One cannot help but observe
Wholesale plunder
Rescue on hold
Gullible greens
Retreat into childhood
Helping it on its way
Dedicated to Booker
Redressing the balance
Bribery and corruption
So sad
Second-time lucky?
See you in court, Minister
Give us more!
Banged up!
A tale of two coldings
We who also notice
Am I bovvered?
Rattle dem chains
An epidemic of panegyrics
No end to it
Time for a stroll
An unexpected vacancy?
Part of the problem
The hallmarks of genius
Smile sweetly
The Great Dale returns
The road to Hell
From little acorns?
Doing bird (not)
This is news?
A reunited shambles
Galileo leaks
Corruption should not begin at home
It's not over
The new politics
Managing the webspace
Herod to investigate deaths of first-born
Joining a new ship?
The icebreaker dance
They would kill us all
Ahead of the game
BBC bias
She's out – one to go!
That dam
Booker rampant
In days to come
The madness of green
MSM on the ropes?
A man-made disaster?
The faux election
In serious trouble
Questions may be asked
Robbing Peter
A crack in the façade
Pity poor Brazil
Without benefit of human intellect
Kill them*
Essex bobbies
Off and on it goes
It was bound to happen
Go for the lot
The Loughner affair
Killing with kindness?
This is what it has come to
Just sit back and watch the chaos
Another ride of the Valkyrie
The dustbin test
al-Gore stuffed?
Did you know ...
Not all is lost
No better word for it
Global cooling shock!
Can this be true?
The tranzi disease
Stacking up trouble
Reality bites again
Agonizing, what?
Bruges Group Conference
There's no business like snow business
Who cares spins
The taxman is watching …
A cri de coeur
In a fantasy world
The power of the pen
Change one can believe in?
That's politics for you!
Physician heal thyself
Hmmm, if this goes through ...
Caught out
It has come to this
What do we do now?
Ever popular
A choice of catastrophes
Engrenage again
Welcome, but four years late
The last hurrah?
A bizarre U-turn
Curse of the blogs
A good deal of excitement ...
Couldn't have put it better myself
Vote blue, get Friends of the Earth
That rarest of commodities
Tory hands in the till
It isn't news – until we say so
We are not the only ones
Remember the living as well
A magical mystery heatwave
More of that successful recycling
No end to their ambition
All is explained
What have you been saying?
Matters to do with the late unpleasantness in the former colonies
Something fishy
Right on cue
March of the morons
So, is the eurozone a safety zone?
Playing away from home
A vicarious thrill
More chaos and confusion
The last laugh?
An exercise in applied futility
An exercise in applied insanity
I did warn you!
Well, what now?
One is not amused
Down the black hole
The people have spoken
They never give up
A narrowness of vision
Who regulates the regulators?
What the next 48 hours will bring
None of the above
Abandon ye hope …
The travails of UKIP
Thirty years on
The ugly face of politics
A small piece of history
An Almighty sense of humour
Supine, staid and wooden
March in Belfast
Sharing in the proceeds of growth
A man without honour
What a difference a rule makes!
""Cavalier at best, criminal at worst""
What are politicians for ...
It tells you something …
Small comfort
Who are the masters now?
How sweet!
How true!
And now for a break
Climate change Bill
Will the last grown up …
What's in a name?
Another fine mess
A nice old dust up?
Told you so!
A failure of opposition
Sterile and infantile …
Serves them right
Some light entertainment
Let it snow!
Come here and say that …
Redesigning the architecture
Apart from that Mrs Lincoln …
Got it in one!
Academy of Lagado
With a heavy heart …
The nasty party
Invisible government
So nice to know he cares
Give them a stick …
More on that elephant
Arctic ice melting ""even in winter""
Confusion reigns
A bucket of hot soapy water
Eyes wide shut
We found a pic …
Life is a cabaret, old chum …
Rectifying an omission
Has everyone gone completely mad?
It occurs to me …
Fiduciary responsibility
Another confession
That North African river again
Keeping an eye on the monster
The Rt Hon George Osborne, BOAP, MP
Our ruling elites
They've noticed!
The Tories aren't working
Not quite there yet …
Delayed reaction
Planet? Which? On?
Oh, what a jolly jape!
A smell of decadence
It would rather not say …
Another day, another admission
This is not a game
Are they getting worried?
Factoid alert
Out of bubbles
A contributory factor
In hiding
Listen to this man!
Suffer ye the little children – no more!
A major service outage
Totally unaccountable
And another thing …
Hidden in plain sight
""Lifestyle journalism""
Something of an enigma
Back to snarl mode …
Dave won't fix it
A flight from reality
We need an inquiry
Ye Gods!
Did you know ...
Hiding from the truth
A random event
This will not surprise you
Confrontation in the making
A study in useless
What's with these people?
We have a problem
Look behind you!
I have high hopes ...
""Mad"" doesn't even get near
They still don't get it
Russia, Georgia and the EU
A touch of the global warmings
Will there be a break?
Absolutely no comment
Altogether rather sick-making
When justice is not done
It's an ill wind …
Five million down
It ain't a victory
Another bit of light relief
A K-wave winter?
The case for the prosecution
It is all soooo complicated
Another discussion on propaganda
A harvest of woe
Paying through the nose
Now who is speculating?
Best wishes
Who should decide? - Part 2
The future?
Cradle to grave
The money weapon
Political consensus is often wrong
The propaganda game
The ignorance of the Irish
The blogs run frit!
Who should decide? - Part 1
Drunk in charge of a blog
Lawful excuse?
Policy now!
As others see it
Knee-jerk politics
A culture of irresponsibility
It ain't going to work
The awkwardness of truth
Changes in Germany
A lucky prime minister?
Idiots abroad
A lack of vision
Incompetence or corruption?
A problem with the Conservative Party
A requiem for UKIP
The struggle over power
Russia wins another victory
Real journalism
There I was, trying to write a serious posting ...
A whiff of realignment?
The bigger scandal
It begins
Candour from the Beeb
A few thoughts ....
Out of touch
This is serious journalism folks!
Missing the implications?
Mad Bank Disease
Blogs away!
The enemy within
A confrontation shapes up
King maker or pretender?
By their propaganda shall ye know them
Two articles from over the Pond
A breath of sanity
The wise and all-seeing leader
A ""changing media landscape""
The ""hockey stick"" lives (not)!
The unholy trinity
Got it in one … almost
The consequences of meddling
The elephant strikes again
Low grade misrepresentation
When is science no longer science?
The joy of Palin
A huge diversion of resources
Cutting their own throats
The European Union way …
United in [in]action
Jumping the gun?
That budget
The wind of change
What do they hope to achieve?
It takes a crisis
Beyond parody
The £6 billion rip-off
The propaganda marches on
There is no hope
A nightmare comes true?
The Great Freeze begins
A dose of reality?
Beyond the capability of mere mortals
A perfect storm
Not only coal
Joining up the dots …
Oppression begins at home
A high water mark?
The inflow continues
A failure of regulation?
I've calmed down – a bit
Angry ...
Cracks beginning to show?
A delicious rant
The end of civilisation as we know it
They've known it all along!
Unfair to Tories!
Some observations on regulation
Smoking gun II - update
The blind will not see
Smoking gun II
Courageous journalism
Market value
That bad!
The driver quits the train
State aid
Mr Darling writes
Quotes of the day
Follow me!
Hic sunt dracones
Children at play
Questions in Parliament
A fascinating insight
It ain't working … yet
The politics of denial
Something smells
Now there's a thing
A crisis of ""enormous proportions""
Not just the euro
He's back
Neelie 1 – Ireland 0
What journalists find amazing
God help us!
Joining the dots
What they actually agreed
Would you believe this?
The truth will out … but not here
Except …
Groping …
Who will ...
Some sense
""Practically irrelevant""
Another one behind
In a fantasy world of his own
An institutional breakdown
Those Olympic Games
A religion without borders
That loathsome media
Harvest blues
The dark side
Last year was different
Charge of the Light Brigade
Charity money goes astray - dog bites man
Meanwhile let us have a look at that aid to various Palestinian groups
Autres directions
This was not supposed to happen
Nope we still can't solve it
The casual lie
A question of negligence
Things must be bad
Greenie schizophrenia
You don't say!
Changing the equation
The ultimate joke
Unintended consequences
The scourge of the greenies – US style
Good news and bad news
And so it goes
The decay of a nation
A journey from hell
Concentrates the mind
No blogging yesterday at this end
Counting chickens
Sarkozy is pleased
So what now?
Tee hee
Politics across the pond
Straws in the wind?
It's the same old story
The EU moves at its usual speed
Miffed is what I am
We arrived
No news is not good news
Re-learning every lesson
Super Tuesday
War in the Caucasus (cont.)
While the cat's away ...
By the time you read this …
The biggest story of the moment
War in the Caucasus
We already knew this
The essence of politics
The loneliness of the long-distance eurosceptics
Maybe they should stop complaining
There is only one true God
Garbage in ...
Abandon ye hope …
Propaganda ? us
That obituary
An ""open goal"" goes begging
Where Italy leads?
Disappointed but not surprised
Hiatus 2
Even lighter posting
Democracy in action?
The love that dare not speak its name
Made in Brussels
An egregious example of myopia
Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1918 - 2008
A reckoning awaits
Robert Kagan and the return of history
Return of the freeze?
You read it here first
Energy: a choice of policies
Something not right here?
A book everyone must read
The land where politics still survives
Signs of the times
The sound of silence
A triumph of hope over experience
Kinder Cops
Don't panic!
Prattling while Rome burns
Try looking in the mirror
The final insult
Drip, drip, drip
Wall Street blues
That complaint
A one-dimensional view
Where others lead …
Perhaps they insist on organic milk
Another stealth tax
A political black hole
It's a mad, mad world
Always good for a laugh
A politically-induced crisis
Those ""climate crimes""
First the bad news …
Climate Nazis
A climate of deception
Taking us for mugs
So human rights do not matter?
Cost in space
A political earthquake
We should be happy about Obama's performance but ...
Trouble at t'grid
Problem solved!
How to avoid a recession
Finger in the dyke
Panic takes over …
An air of unreality …
Happy days are here again (not!)
And double shit …
Oh shit!
And just when you thought it couldn't get worse
Sooner or later this was going to happen
Seventy percent of the crisis
Blood on the floor
War on Taliban can't be won
The story so far …
What is worse than scum?
Sucking the life out of politics
The House approves
Beware of Greeks …
Reshuffle blues
Sauve qui peut
Do they really not know?
Stop Dave!
More on the Austrian election results
Another bit of light relief
The elephant dives for cover
Senate has passed (a somewhat different) Bill
The heart of the crisis
A short rant ....
A dark and dirty game
No shortage of warnings
We get what we deserve
The smoking gun
Go figure
Dear me!
The elephant emerges
Breaking news
This is one we missed
A bit of light relief
In Europe but not ruled by …
This might explain some things
Bruges Group fringe meeting
New developments in France?
Do these people actually read anything?
An exercise in nation-building
Today's sob-story
Interesting developments in Ulster